[Durham INC] 751 public hearing delayed until July!?

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 14 16:44:12 EDT 2010

751 hearing deferred until July 23! See news article below.


So  the developers are now managing to effectively get TWO 
deferrals (the first by directing the BOCC to extend the deferral I
asked for, butonly after the protest petition was forced to be filed).

The amount of control and manipulation that the developers have over the planning department and, especially, the Board of County Commissioners is not only inappropriate, it is ridiculous. And it is disgraceful the
way we citizens have to scramble to do anything about this, because the
game is always changing and always at the last minute (at the hand of
the developers).

--Melissa (Rooney)

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