[Durham INC] Make It Durham!

M. W. Shiflett - Hotmail mwshiflett at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 15 13:43:21 EDT 2010


This morning I went on a small bus tour sponsored in part by the Durham Chamber of Commerce,  DDI and the City Dept of Economic Development which focuses on giving real estate representatives, Human Relations depts, new residents,  corporate leaders and new business executives an opportunity to be driven around town (and RTP) to see some of the wonderful neighborhoods, new developments and unique character our city offers them.

It's intent is to have not only new businesses move to Durham,  but also to have their employees join the Bull City as residents of the city/county.

I was thoroughly amazed at the guided tour that Carver Weaver and Matt Coppedge at DDI provided the ten other participants during the two hour tour.

So......the reason for this post is simple.      If you know of someone who's new to the Triangle and they are either looking for a place to live (rent or buy),  start a business or visit one of hundreds of venues Durham offers,   I strongly encourage a contact with Carver!

As a resident of Durham for more than 25 years,   it was gratifying to see this opportunity being made available and the amount of research it took to provide new guests accurate information on what make Durham such a great place to live, work and play.

Mike Shiflett

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