[Durham INC] As billboard vote nears, the cozy relationship between Fairway & nonprofits (Independent Weekly)

John Schelp bwatu at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 31 10:38:16 EDT 2010

As billboard vote nears, the cozy relationship between Fairway & nonprofits
By Lisa Sorg, Independent Weekly, 30 July 2010

The relationship between some local nonprofit groups and Fairway Outdoor Advertising is in question three days before a pivotal City Council vote Monday night on digital billboards.

Fairway, which is pushing for a change to city and county ordinances that would allow it to place digital billboards in Durham, routinely gives away billboard space to nonprofits.

However, some of those same nonprofits that received free billboard space from Fairway have sent letters to city council members promoting their partnerships with the Georgia-based advertising company—and pushing the benefits of digital billboards for their groups...

And in one case, a strategist working with the billboard industry appeared to troll for nonprofits by asking a City Councilwoman about her favorite groups.

Although Fairway has been courting community groups about digital billboards for at least two years, the most recent examples of Fairway’s wooing of nonprofits date from June, when several nonprofits sent letters to City Council members supporting the ordinance change.

The Museum of Life and Science sent a letter on June 8 noting that "Fairway was a valued partner" in helping the museum publicize its new Dinosaur Trail exhibit. "The Museum and other nonprofits will benefit from the proposed digital billboard opportunity," the letter said.

Nonprofits receive free space but pay for the printing of the billboard message. With digital billboards, "this cost is eliminated and resources are available for our mission," the letter reads.

Julie Ketner Rigby, the museum's vice president for external relations, said the letter was intended to "point out information" about the value of its partnership with Fairway.

Rigby said the museum board has not taken a position on the billboard ordinance.

The strategy of cozying up to nonprofit groups is emphasized in materials of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, a trade group representing the billboard industry. Scenic America, a nonprofit that opposes billboards, quotes the association as saying, "Know the public service and/or charity interest of the mayor, planning director, council members, ... their wives and husbands ... Direct your public service efforts toward these causes ... Make these persons aware each time you donate space to a cause and/or group for which they have an interest."

Steve Toler, a local consultant and strategist who has been working with the billboard industry, appears to have used this tactic with one elected official.

At least a year ago, Toler asked to have lunch with City Councilwoman Diane Catotti. At the end of the conversation, which, until that point had not mentioned billboards, Catotti told the Indy, Toler casually asked her about her favorite nonprofit groups. Catotti said she named a couple, including the Durham Crisis Response Center. She said she thought nothing of it until at some point after that luncheon when she saw billboards for those same groups. Catotti told the Indy that Toler did not follow up with her about the billboards and she has not been contacted by Toler or Fairway since the original lunch.

Toler did not responded to a phone call and an e-mail requesting comment.

Fairway General Manager Paul Hickman said late Friday afternoon that he knows nothing of Toler’s lunch with Catotti. He said the company has long donated space to nonprofits, which is "very common" in the outdoor advertising industry.

As for the recent letters sent by nonprofits supporting Fairway, Hickman said the proposed text amendment clearly states that Fairway will donate one 8-second spot each minute to public service announcements, including nonprofits.

"As the nonprofits learn about the text amendment, they know it benefits their business," Hickman said.

Hickman said the nonprofits took the lead on sending the pro-billboard letter: "Every nonprofit that wrote a letter" contacted Fairway and said ‘Can we help you? And we said, 'You can make a phone call or write a letter, if you want. It’s up to you.'"

Interestingly, the museum letter went beyond its personal interest in publicizing its exhibits. The letter echoed Fairway’s talking points on Amber and Silver alerts, noting "...the opportunities for Amber and Silver alerts are all important considerations for this proposal."

Asked why the Museum of Life and Science would be concerned about Amber and Silver alerts, Hickman replied that nonprofits could have obtained information about the text amendment from many sources, including the company’s website. "I don’t know why they wrote what they wrote," he said.

However, Rigby said Fairway provided the museum with information about digital billboards in a sample letter. She said she "picked and chose" from the many points Fairway listed in that template, adding she has seen other nonprofits’ letters. "They are all a little bit different," she said... <snip>...

--> See full article and photo of billboard in East Durham for gun & knife show in Raleigh... http://www.indyweek.com/triangulator/archives/2010/07/30/as-billboard-vote-nears-the-cozy-relationship-between-fairway-and-nonprofits

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