[Durham INC] INC resolution discussed at meeting last week

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 3 18:40:01 EDT 2010

This proposed resolution is in the minutes, but I pulled it out for a separate thread to make it easier to discuss.  Regards, pat

Whereas historically the City and County have used federal
HOME and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to house the homeless, feed
the hungry, and improve the quality of neighborhoods, and


Whereas the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham (INC)
supports continued funding for affordable housing and for community services
needed by families, youth, disabled, homeless, and residents of working class
neighborhoods, and


Whereas the INC believes in honoring plans developed by
citizen committees, and


Whereas the City has proposed to redirect most of the
federal HOME and CDBG funds to the redevelopment of Rolling Hills/Southside,


Therefore, the INC asks that before committing more funds to
the Rolling Hills / Southside redevelopment, City Council and County
Commissioners commit to continued funding of affordable housing and community
services across Durham.

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