[Durham INC] INDY BLOG ANNOUNCES: K&L Gates requests postponement of BOCC hearing on billboards

Kelly Jarrett kjj1 at duke.edu
Thu Aug 5 13:03:42 EDT 2010

Well, its official. Just as I suspected, K&L Gates has requested a 
postponement of the public hearing on billboards. Read the article here: 
Independent Triangulator: K&L Gates requests postponement of county 
hearing on billboards. 

And when you're done reading, write the commissioners 
(commissioners at durhamcountync.gov ) and tell them to deny this request. 
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY. We want closure on this issue, and we want the 
hearing to move forward on Monday as scheduled.

Fairway Advertising and K&L Gates have had two years to build community 
support for their proposal to bring electronic billboards to Durham. 
Durham citizens have sent over 1000 emails to elected officials 
expressing support for the current ordinance. It is time to vote and 
move on.

A billboard currently standing near the Durham Freeway.
Kelly Jarrett
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