[Durham INC] Medlin and Young to Present at INC

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Wed Aug 18 18:45:05 EDT 2010

Dear Neighbors:


At our meeting on Tuesday, August 24, Planning Director Steve Medlin and
Assistant Planning Director Patrick Young will talk on the UDO and
Neighborhoods.  All INC delegates and alternates should plan to attend.  Our
meeting will be open to anyone who wants to hear Steve and Patrick, so
please invite the leaders in your neighborhoods.


I have asked Steve and Patrick to give us a frank assessment of how the UDO
is serving neighborhoods.  It's been four years since the ordinance was
adopted and it's time to think about how it is working, both substantively
and procedurally.  Does the required "neighborhood meeting" developers are
supposed to have with neighbors really work?  Is the CN or "neighborhood
commercial" zone really neighborhood friendly?  How could the Neighborhood
Protection Overlay be made more accessible?  Are buffers adequate?  Is
anyone using the new housing types contemplated in the code?  Are
neighborhoods adequately notified?  These are the sorts of questions I have
asked Steve and Patrick to ponder.  Be thinking of your questions along
these lines.


Let's have a really big turnout for these guys.  Sooner or later, every
neighborhood advocate will need to know them.  This is the best way to get


We will also address a business agenda that will include the discussion of
the housing money resolution introduced at the last meeting.  Please be
ready to discuss it and possibly vote.  I will send out an agenda soon.



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