[Durham INC] FW: DRAFT July minutes

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Mon Aug 23 17:03:25 EDT 2010


Dear neighbors:


Below is a draft of the July minutes. Please read carefully and bring a copy
with you.  Note that the housing resolution is included in these minutes.






From: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org [mailto:inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org] On
Behalf Of Pat Carstensen
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:37 PM
To: inc listserv
Subject: [Durham INC] DRAFT July minutes


Please let me know about any additions or corrections.  Regards, pat



July Delegate Meeting

First Presbyterian Church

July 27, 2010


Attending the meeting were:
Delegates and Alternates
Burch Avenue - Jennifer Skahen 

Cross Counties - Pat Carstensen 

Duke Park - Bill Anderson 

Long Meadow NA - Chuck Clifton

Old North Durham - Peter Katz 

Old West Durham - Brett Walters 

Parkwood - Mike Brooks 

Watts Hospital Hillandale - Tom Miller 



Jim Wise - News and Observer

Lorisa Seibel - Durham Affordable Housing Coalition

Jack Preiss - DAHC

Stephen Hopkins - Campaign for Decent Housing

Darius Little - Organizing Chadsford subdivision


Tom Miller opened the meeting.  Delegates introduced themselves.  


Housing Issues

Lorisa reported that the city is making progress on lien collection; the
list is longer but the average amount owed is lower and they are doing
smarter targeting on of collection efforts.  Also, city has continued to
fund special needs housing, not enough but pretty good in a tough budget


In other news, the city is looking to put all its federal community grant
eggs for years into the future (from CDBG and HOME) into one Rolling
Hills/Southside basket, leaving nothing (OK maybe promises) for other areas
and for services such as weatherization, Teen Court, and community kitchens.
Also, this flies in the face of long-time community efforts to develop
5-year plans based on looking at needs across the entire community.
Everyone agrees that Rolling Hills/Southside desperately needs to have
something done on it, but we need to find a bigger pot of money (like from
the developer?) or scale the work down.  


A proposed resolution:

Whereas historically the City and County have used federal HOME and
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to house the homeless, feed the
hungry, and improve the quality of neighborhoods, and


Whereas the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham (INC) supports continued
funding for affordable housing and for community services needed by
families, youth, disabled, homeless, and residents of working class
neighborhoods, and


Whereas the INC believes in honoring plans developed by citizen committees,


Whereas the City has proposed to redirect most of the federal HOME and CDBG
funds to the redevelopment of Rolling Hills/Southside,


Therefore, the INC asks that before committing more funds to the Rolling
Hills / Southside redevelopment, City Council and County Commissioners
commit to continued funding of affordable housing and community services
across Durham.



There was an energetic discussion of the PAC meeting that discussed the
Billboard Ordinance.  The dates to remember are August 2 at City Council and
August 9 at the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC).


751 Assemblage Rezoning Report

Tom gave a summary of where we are; we could have had INC meeting in the
lobby of the BOCC meeting.  It's important that the process works right (in
spite of the vigorous attempts of some to mess it up) because no-one will be
able to afford appealing the unfairness or blatant illegal aspects of the
process because of the cost of the appeal bond.


Other business and neighborhood reports:

.      The August meeting will look at forming a committee to do
neighborhood awards that celebrate a new class of heroes (eg. maybe public

.      The August meeting will have a presentation on assessing how the UDO
is doing for neighborhoods.

.      Old North Durham got great press about 


The meeting was adjourned.



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