[Durham INC] Blues, funk and old-school R&B at Club 12 (Nov 20); Old East Durham Home Tour (Oct 24)

John Schelp bwatu at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 7 11:28:21 EDT 2010

Phabulous Phunk Phamily (PH3 for short)
Blues, funk, and old-school rhythm & blues...

Saturday, November 20, 8:30-11 PM
Club 12 at 1212 Angier Avenue (near Alston Ave)

Have told friends and co-workers about Club 12 and would like to support the good things the owners are trying to do in East Durham. See recent article about Club 12... http://www.thedurhamnews.com/2010/07/28/202844/club-12.html

Please help spread the word. Entry is only $5.

More info: Peter Kramer at greenriverband at aol.com, 452-8873


My View: Come on-a my house
by Aidil Ortiz Collins, Durham News, 6 Oct 2010

I've been asked many times over the years why the heck I love East Durham so much.

It might be all the ethnic eateries at the Green Flea Market that offer awesome food at a great price. Maybe it's the cool clinic at the Holton Center that I can walk to for services.

Of course, I love all the historic architecture of the homes in my area. I also mention my neighbors in all my conversations about the things that make me passionate about East Durham.

Over the years though, I have learned that the proof is in the pudding. I could talk until I am blue in the face, but it's just better if I show you how wonderful life in East Durham is. So rather than beat you over the head with a semester-long lecture on how much my neighborhood rocks, I'll just invite you over.

I know that everyone has a voyeuristic side. You know you've driven by a cute house in my area and thought to yourself, "I wonder what it looks like inside." If you've considered buying a house and wondered what the neighbors over in East Durham were like, then the Old East Durham Open Home Tour is your event.

On Sunday, Oct. 24, from 1 to 4 p.m., Uplift East Durham, Preservation Durham and Preservation NC are holding various East Durham open houses to satisfy all your curiosities. You'll get a chance to see houses that are fully renovated, houses in the midst of their makeover, and houses that are available for anyone willing to take the renovation plunge.

This free event not only lets you snoop around someone's house, but it also lets you talk to local home owners about how they did it and how they've liked living in East Durham. We have homeowners on the tour that have been in East Durham from one year to over two decades.

If you're a Realtor or a prospective home buyer, you'll get information on tax credits and the loan structures available to those that want to renovate a historic home. We're a community that is ready to have happy new neighbors.

So, I'll spare you the hard sell and just ask that you come on over to 201 S. Driver St. at anytime between 1 and 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 24. Tour packets can be found there and participants guide themselves through the tour. You can spend as much or as little time as you like at any point on the tour. If you want more information about the tour, contact me at aidiloc at gmail.com.

Until then, I have my hands full as I fluff some pillows, rearrange furniture and pretty up my front yard in preparation for your arrival. I can't wait to have everyone over!



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