[Durham INC] [dukepark] Night of Lights? Postponement?

TheOcean1 at aol.com TheOcean1 at aol.com
Sat Dec 11 21:16:06 EST 2010

I'm in favor of postponing night of light until Sunday Dec 19, also CCing  
InterNeighborhood Council to alert them of our new date.
Bill  Anderson

In a message dated 12/11/2010 8:34:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
lep.kg at frontier.com writes:

10 day forecast says clear next  weekend.
I would vote for postponing.
Is OND doing luminaries next  weekend?
Hollywood St

----- Original Message ----- 
From: _Sandi  Gray-Terry_ (mailto:sgt.cmc at gmail.com)  
To: _dukepark at yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:dukepark at yahoogroups.com)  
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 7:41  PM
Subject: Re: [dukepark] Night of  Lights? Postponement?

I'd agree---(it is also pretty messy when the bottom of the  bags 

I can still sell luminaria from my house next  Sunday, except a brief 
period of running someone tot he airport, but  hopefully Nancy can cover that 

~sandi Gray-Terry
little  Mangum
On Saturday, December 11, 2010, at 06:23 PM, _readlaw at aol.com_ 
(mailto:readlaw at aol.com)  wrote:

After rain for most of the day today the ground is very  wet. I have just 
been reviewing the weather from WTVD and WRAL and both of  them are calling 
for more rain tomorrow morning through midday and showers  ion the afternoon. 
Looking pretty dismal. I am thinking we should probably  postpone till next 
Sunday. What do others  say?


Daniel F. Read
President, Duke Park  Neighborhood Association
1424 Acadia St., Durham NC 27701-1302
Home  919-688-0535 Office 919-683-1900 FAX 682-4955
readlaw at aol.com or  dmqd at aol.com

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