[Durham INC] FW: TC1000003, Tree Protection and TC100007 on Riparian Buffers

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 4 17:14:09 EST 2011

The Tree Protection one implements the EEUDO ideas, including:* Having 3% tree coverage (and other tree protection things) in residential urban areas* It allows smaller trees and smaller "chunks" of tree-area (which contrary to your intuition, may do better at preserving trees because it gives less room for whining that the requirements are impossible), while being more explicit about preserving root zones* Allows some use (such a picnic tables) in tree areas* Keeps not only buildings but also utilities away from the trees* Allows exception for land previously agriculture (so it doesn't have trees) -- something to check on this is whether tree farms are agricultural.* I'm not sure what the change in 8.3.3C means, but it looks like they don't need to do specimen tree survey unless they are near something sensitive (the full text is below)* The specimen tree stuff seems to be clarified and collected into 8.3.3D
Text of 8.3.3.CA land disturbance tree survey shall be required for any area for which the limits of disturbance are within 30 feet of a preserved tree coverage area, floodplain, steep slope area, stream buffer, required landscape buffer, Inventory Site, wetland, or conservation areasite plan, <struck out the following: preliminary plat, grading plan, or erosion control plan> 

The Riparian Buffers one:* "Allowable with Mitigation" no longer needs a major site plan* Signs marking the buffer are now also required in the county
Regards, pat
Subject: TC1000003, Tree Protection
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 15:47:50 -0500
From: Wade.Griffin at durhamnc.gov

Please be advised of the upcoming proposed change to the text of the Durham Unified Development Ordinance (UDO): Text Change TC1000003 proposes revisions to the following UDO sections: Sec. 8.3, Tree Protection and Tree Coverage; Sec. 9.2, Landscape Design; Sec. 9.3, Existing Vegetation Credits for Required Landscaping; Sec. 9.4, Project Boundary Buffers; Sec. 12.1, Improvement Requirements; Sec. 15.4, Penalties; and Sec. 16.3, Defined Terms. The revisions would expand tree coverage requirements to the Urban Tier, allow for smaller existing and replacement trees that have a greater chance of survival, reduce the incentive to remove existing stands of trees, eliminate loopholes that allow for tree coverage to be credited in areas that trees cannot grow, and redefine specimen trees and incentivize their protection. The Durham City Council will hold a public hearing on TC1000003 on March 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 101 City Hall Plaza.  The proposed text is available at www.durhamnc.gov/council/ord_changes.  Agenda documents will be available under “Agendas” at http://www.durhamnc.gov/council/.  Interested parties may appear at the public hearing.  Substantial changes to the proposed action may be made following the public hearing.  For more information, please contact Aaron Cain, 560-4137 x28226, aaron.cain at durhamnc.gov or Julia Mullen, 560-4137 x28255, julia.mullen at durhamnc.gov Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act - A person with a disability may receive an auxiliary aid or service to effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 560-4196, TTY 919-560-1200, or ADA at durhamnc.gov, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.  Wade GriffinPlannerDurham City/County Planning Department101 City Hall PlazaDurham NC 27701Phone: 919-560-4137 x28229Fax    : 919-560-4641www.durhamnc.gov/departments/planning  		 	   		  
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