[Durham INC] Support the marriage amendment

bragin at nc.rr.com bragin at nc.rr.com
Tue Sep 13 10:35:55 EDT 2011

Christine - There are hundreds of people on this listserv, many of whom have children and many more of whom have friends with children. All of these children need to be educated. We all make choices as to where we educate our children, and we talk amongst ourselves about those choices.

You have discussed certain pedagogical practices (conflating anecdote with analysis, for example, or confusing belief with data) that may not appeal to many members of the community who are looking for educational opportunities for their children. Had you simply chimed in to the discussion by stating your name and which neighborhood you are associated with, the notion of educational responsibility would have never crossed my mind. But you made your background as an educator a major factor in your initial email. I attempted to remind you that, by participating in the conversation in the way you have, you may reinforce certain notions in the minds of the readers of this list. You chose to interpret that as a threat. You also made an assumption (and it was possible to read that as in some way an insult) as to my membership in a certain demographic community, i guess because it's difficult for you to accept that people who are not members of the "homosexual community," whatever that might be, might disagree with you. That is patently not the case, and my own sexual orientation is completely irrelevant to this conversation.

Barry Ragin
(formerly Duke Park neighborhood rep to the INC.)

---- Christine Chamberlain <christinebbd at yahoo.com> wrote: 

I think you're skewing the focus of my email to say I mention only one study.  The email mentions several studies, not a singular study.  And the email does suggest larger scientific literature has been considered.  

I don't know Barry (or you for that matter) but I'll take your word for it that Barry wasn't threatening me.  Perhaps I'm overly sensitive, having been threatened by others who disagree with me.

If we meet in the future I hope we'll look past our differences and become friends.

Christine Chamberlain

From: Matt Dudek <matt.dudek at gmail.com>
To: Christine Chamberlain <christinebbd at yahoo.com>
Cc: "INC-list at rtpnet.org" <INC-list at rtpnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] Support the marriage amendment

I know Barry and he wasn't threatening you. You are making statements in a public forum touting one study that doesnt take into consideration the larger scientific literature and you are using it to prove your point and not take a scientist's objectivity. That's a bad practice, and especially for an educator. 

It certainly wasn't a threat, that's not Barry's style. 

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