[Durham INC] Abstain from voting

David Harris harrisdl2003 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 30 20:59:28 EDT 2011

Hi members, with reference to the statement I made at Tuesday meeting stating that to abstain was considered a positive vote. I was incorrect in my statement.
From Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition
Chapter 2: The Conduct of Business in a Deliberative Assembly
Section 4: The Handling of a Motion
Page 45: Line 16 states To “abstain” means not to vote at (which is a negative vote)
Definitions from the dictionary 
1.      an act or instance of abstaining. 
2.      withholding of a vote.
1.      to hold oneself back voluntarily, especially from something regarded as improper or unhealthy
2.      to refrain from casting one's vote
1.      the state of being neutral. 
2.      not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute
3.      not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy: The arbitrator was absolutely neutral. 
1.      to disqualified oneself to act in a particular case, especially because of personal interest or bias.
2.      to withdraw from a position of judging so as to avoid any semblance of partiality or bias.
To recuse yourself mean to remove yourself once the topic is put on the floor, so you will not participate in the discussion/debate/vote on the motion or topic.
To abstain or recuse oneself is on a volunteer basic, all members have a right to vote regardless if personal interest is present. 

David Harris

From: Pat Carstensen <pats1717 at hotmail.com>
>To: inc listserv <inc-list at durhaminc.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 8:06 AM
>Subject: [Durham INC] night of lights, November INC meeting
>At the Delegate Meeting this week, we decided that the November meeting will be November 29 (the 5th Tuesday) to keep it away from Thanksgiving.  There will be no December meeting unless someone wants to organize a holiday get together (at Full Steam or Motorco, for example). 
>At the meeting, we also discussed Night of Lights.  In order to see what different neighborhoods are doing (December 11 or 18), I created a poll at:
>Put in your neighborhood, and choose one of the days (I just put in a random time) by checking the appropriate box.
>Regards, pat 
>Durham INC Mailing List
>list at durham-inc.org
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