[Durham INC] Fw: Anti-gay charter school in Chapel Hill

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 31 06:16:27 EST 2012

The Chapel Hill politics of this proposed charter are messy (http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/in-chapel-hill-opposition-builds-against-charter-school/Content?oid=2748993) so I suggest we stay out of it.
Regards, pat

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:53:30 -0800
From: mmr121570 at yahoo.com
To: inc-list at rtpnet.org
Subject: [Durham INC] Fw: Anti-gay charter school in Chapel Hill

I received this information today and thought I would notify those on the neighborhood listservs about it. Just FYI. Feel free to do your own research -- I'm certainly interested in any discussion regarding this issue.
Melissa (Rooney)

      ----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Monday, 30 January 2012 12:54 PM
 Subject: Anti-gay charter school in Chapel Hill
 sign this petition to tell the NC Board of Ed. not to approve a new, for-profit charter school to be opened in Chapel Hill. It's part of a corporate charter corporation called Nat'l Heritage Academies. Based in Michigan, the NHA do not believe homosexuals should be allowed to teach children, and they stand to siphon $4.5 million from the local school system!


This is a FOR-profit private corporation that takes our tax dollars and makes a profit on our children. It is a barely disguised faith-based, right-wing, corporation, already sued in Michigan by the ACLU for having religious activities in schools. They teach evolution based on the Bible "creation story" as well as on Darwinism. Teachers are paid less; schools are cookie-cutter down to the books in the libraries. Howard and Lillian Lee deserve better than this.

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