[Durham INC] Another Family Against the Amendment Signs

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Mon Feb 13 19:24:44 EST 2012

Dear neighbors:


If you want one of these signs for your yard, please send me an e-mail and
I'll fix you up with one.


Neighborhoods are where quality of life happens.  The ideas of "home," home
life," and "neighborhood" are so intertwined that any of these without the
others loses its meaning.  My own idea of what home is, the happiness I
"pursue" to put it in Jeffersonian terms, depends on my marital relationship
with my wife, Kim, the bond we have formed in that relationship, and the
support we receive in the community where we live.  We are blessed with each
other and fortunate in our community.  But these blessings and good fortune
are not shared out equally.  In every neighborhood in Durham and in North
Carolina there are neighbors whose aspirations for home, neighborhood, and
happiness although as strongly felt as mine, cannot be realized.  In a
neighborhood we should all be striving for the same thing, not just for
ourselves, but for each other.  How can we pull together when the happiness
we seek cannot be the same?  Those of us who are married give up nothing
when we work for marriage equality.  When, I hope soon, we achieve it, we
will gain a common happiness, a better community, a better neighborhood.


So please, send me an e-mail and I'll make sure you get a sign.


Tom Miller

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