[Durham INC] (no subject)

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 12:46:43 EDT 2012

For a membership fee of only $10, you can join the Arbor Day foundation and receive 10 free flowering trees delivered to your door. One of my neighbors just received her trees, and I signed up today. 

Thought many Durhamites would be interested in this offer and would hopefully plant their trees in celebration of Arbor Day (if not before). If you don't have space for the trees in your personal yard, then you could offer them to schools or parks or stream/creek organizations. I'm sure they'd be grateful to have them!

You could also consider donating them to the poor souls who have purchased new homes whose property has been stripped of trees and graded (typical construction practice(s) these days)...

Here is the link:


Melissa (Rooney)
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