[Durham INC] Need some help today! (Thursday): Baby bird season has hit.

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 19 20:21:03 EDT 2012

See below.
I hope that some of you can help!


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Emily Weinstein <weinsteinart at bellsouth.net>
To: Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic <twrc.newsletter at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: FW: We've got to have some help today! (Thursday) Baby bird season has hit.

Steady volunteers needed NOW to help Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic. It's VERY rewarding; please contact Ann Rogers twrc.newsletter at gmail.com ASAP. Thank you, Em

Hey everyone,
  I volunteer my days off of work over at Triangle Wildlife and it is pretty fulfilling work, BUT we are very much in need of loving souls like you and your friends to help take care of the turtles and birds and dishes and food preparation! It is just too much for a handful of people to accomplish!
I know how busy we all are, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this email on top of your 1ooo other emails!  Once you say yes to something like this, the whole world opens up to you. You know, you open  your heart and the rest is an amazing gift. 
With habitat decimation, window strikes, cars and well intentioned people who don’t take the time to learn about wildlife and an nest full of featherless, baby birds, and the list goes on—we will lose all we have if all of us turn our back on it.  These animals just die without us to help them. That’s the bottom line.
I know we still see wildlife, but what I’m saying is it is diminishing by the day due to human population.  We must give it back even if it is only two days a month, those two days help believe me.  I started out doing 2 days a month.
I hope to see you on our calendar soon and also won’t you please forward this plea out to everyone who cares about animals and the environment?
Please Contact Ann Rogers twrc.newsletter at gmail.com and/or Triangle Wildlife www.trianglewildlife.org to get signed up.  There are other organizations with hundreds of volunteers who accomplish so much. I hope Triangle Wildlife can grow in this way with the most amazing volunteer base ever. 
  With peace, love and much hope,
From: Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic [mailto:twrc.newsletter at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:16 PM
Subject: We've got to have some help tomorrow! (Wednesday)
We have already admitted around 75 baby birds during the past week, and they are arriving at the rate of at least a 12 to 15 per day.  That is after spending lots of time persuading the public to leave the fledglings alone and to put the babies back into their nests.
We only have two volunteers all day tomorrow, and our staff just cannot deal with all the animal care and phone calls without more help.  Even if you can only come in for a couple of hours, that would help.  We especially need some help in the evenings for closing.  
We have good help on Thursday, but again Friday has only two people signed up.
We can't take care of all these little ones without your help!
Ann Rogers

Triangle Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency which provides medical care and treatment to native North American Wildlife.

1417 Seaton Road, Durham, NC 27713
(919) 544-3330
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