[Durham INC] Durham County Attorney: Marriage Amendment is NOT a bar to same sex benefits.

John Martin bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 13:14:31 EDT 2012

How interesting.  So tell me again, exactly what does the Amendment do? Other than engender needless expense, division, and ill will?
Judging from the ads of the proponents, with their pictures of the Holy Bible, it seems mainly designed to enshrine the religious beliefs of Christians in the North Carolina Constitution.  Can anyone say, "Establishment of Religion?" 
This amendment will do no good for anyone, and that includes the people who are promoting it.
--- On Mon, 5/7/12, Richard Ford <rbford at aim.com> wrote:

From: Richard Ford <rbford at aim.com>
Subject: [Durham INC] Durham County Attorney: Marriage Amendment is NOT a bar to same sex benefits.
To: "inc listserv" <inc-list at durhaminc.org>
Date: Monday, May 7, 2012, 12:28 PM

I was able to confirm, that after receiving the "strong' opinion of the County Attorney that the Marriage Amendment is not a bar to the County continuing to provide same sex benefits,the Durham County Commissioners listened to the information, and then passed a resolution reaffirming their commitment to providing benefits to same sex couples.  

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