[Durham INC] BB&T site, Duke clear cutting & holding ponds; events

Laura Drey lauradrey at ncrrbiz.com
Fri May 25 16:15:10 EDT 2012

> I have pulled together events to be included on this email and that is all because my energy and time have been focused on what I believe to be 2 important issues. My assistant has taken care of all of the word choices, research and formatting.

1. I have been following up on the "BB&T site" that is contaminated with dry cleaning chemicals, at the corner of Watts St. and Club Blvd. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR)'s Remediation Action Plan for the "BB&T site" calls for asphalt to be removed the week of Memorial Day and the following week the state governments' contractor will begin to excavate 20 feet down on the actual dry cleaning site which is behind my house.

I am not able to devote as much time right now to the issue on Duke's property as I would like because I am focused on the "BB&T site." This past week I have talked with a number of city/county and state staff members.

2. A pressing issue that directly impacts my Duke Forest neighborhood is Duke's actions on Duke University Rd between Wannamaker and Cameron Rd (near 751). Duke University has clear cut trees to "save Duke University Rd from collapsing and treat 20 acres of runoff from Duke parking lots to reduce pollution into jordan reservoir, which is used as drinking supply by some cities in the Triangle." Curt Richardson, Professor and Duke's Director of Duke University Wetland Center. 
Curt Richardson's phone number is 919-613-8006 and the general number for the wetland Center is (919) 613-8009. The head person for Duke University's contractor, Riverworks, Will Paterson, can be reached at (919) 459-9001 Riverwork's web address is www.riverwork.com . 

To read more you may go to: 


Originally residents of Cranford Rd had been told that there would be a phase of "stream naturalization" behind our houses. Than people on Cranford Rd were informed that the state no longer had funds to do any more "stream restoration" at this particular site and that was the last position we heard from either Duke or its contractors. 

Duke began clear cutting and moving massive amounts of dirt without ever informing the neighborhood of its new intensions by holding a meeting or via email. It quite frustrates me that Duke University did not have the courtesy to let the neighborhood know of their revised plan in advance. I firmly believe that when people are directly being impacted by a situation that they have the right to know what will happen, have their questions addressed and to make comments. There is a slight possibility that the community's input might have had some influence on the project. In the future I like for Duke University to inform the community of their intensions and how long it is expected that projects may continue.

The noise emanating from heavy equipment that is yet another example of Duke University not abiding by Durham's noise ordinance. According to Durham's noise ordinance work that creates noise above a certain decibel is to begin after 8 a.m. and loud noise is to stop at 11 p.m. The bulldozers start moving before 8 in the morning on a regular basis. I would appreciate it if Duke to comply with Durham's noise ordinance on an ongoing basis.

(I would have pursued the project on Duke University Rd earlier but Duke's clear cutting began at the time I was putting out the word about elections endorsements and Amendment One.) 

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