[Durham INC] Lobby Day on Fracking

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Mon May 28 18:01:00 EDT 2012

If you haven't heard there is a really bad fracking bill (SB 820 and a house companion) and one that at least acts like it listened to the people urging caution.  As I see it, the 3 possible outcomes are:Really bad -- what comes out of the legislature is basically SB 820Pretty bad -- the legislature manages to keep pretty close to the cautious versionA pretty good deal -- both sides dig in their heels and nothing happens
A bunch of groups are organizing a lobby day next Tuesday.  I know there are a LOT of things you could be working on, but if fracking is high on your list, you should go.

Thank you for taking a stand against SB 820 - The Fast Track to Fracking Bill.

Join us in Raleigh on June 5 for our Fracking Lobby Day!

Click here to sign up!

We don’t need to put our water at risk. Join us on June 5 and urge your legislators to not remove the ban on fracking.

If these links don't work, try


Sierra Club, 85 Second St., San Francisco, CA  94105   www.sierraclub.org
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