[Durham INC] A perfect storm, Carl Kenney

Will Wilson willwilsn at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 09:52:34 EDT 2012

We (Durham) should take the lead for NC and start a dialogue on race. 
INC could be the perfect convener. Do it.

As a writer I understand and struggle with these steps: My thoughts, my 
translation of those thoughts into words, editing those words down into 
a few hundred words, the reader reading those words, the reader then 
making conclusions about my initial thoughts. The same goes for words. 
It is a far from perfect process.

Both writers and readers have to cut some slack on misinterpretions. If 
thoughts are consistently misinterpreted, change your words. If someone 
says "that's not what I meant", ask for brand new words, and don't 
immediately assume ill intentions. Again, appropriate exceptions for 
Grand Wizards and the like.

This issue is too important and too loaded for misinterpretation and 


On 6/4/2012 9:35 AM, Carl Kenney wrote:
> To all,
> Before I respond to Christine let me set the record straight.  I am
> not an angry black man.  I’m not blaming “the white man” for keeping
> me down.  My intent is not to fight for the continuation of the type
> of rhetoric that keeps people fragmented due to some past evil.  I
> regard myself an advocate for peace and understanding.
> I have used my own grapples as an illustration regarding the ways
> race and racism pops up in our fine city. I have offered a
> perspective.  My hope has been to generate a deeper conversation
> involving the covert nature of racism.  My point has been simple. If
> a man like me has a hard time making those ends meets, what about
> those with less to bring to the table.
> These conversations began after a blogpost.  For those who don’t
> know, I began writing columns for the Herald-Sun in 1997. Since then
> I have dedicated my life and work to helping people see beyond their
> assumptions.  That process has offered me the benefit of opening my
> own eyes to the malice immersed in my assumptions.  I have grown.  My
> prayer is that others have down the same.
> My journey has been an amazing one.  The man I have become is one
> that I love more than the one who began writing back in 1997. I see
> the world different because I have taken time to listen.  I’m a
> better Christian now.  I have traveled around the world to discover
> the rich diversity of faith. I have embraced people who don’t look or
> think like me, and, as a result, admitted that my world view was too
> small.  My journey has become a quest for understanding beyond my on
> enculturation.
> I am incredibly comfortable in my skin.  I love it while refusing to
> worship it.  So, with that being said, let me talk to Christine.
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