[Durham INC] New from the Rev-elution

Darius Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Fri Jun 8 10:30:03 EDT 2012

In my opinion, Omar Beasley is the worst political nightmare possible for the current Board of Commissioners.  However, for those who don't support any incumbent, he has provided an opportunity for what I believe to be inevitable:  another bad political move by this board (in this case, not placing Fred Foster on the dias).

This goes beyond whether one thinks Foster should be on, or not.  This goes to the root of Durham's political landscape: the Democratic Party.

1.  The current board shunned the Democratic Party's recommendation of Hampton Dellinger - instead appointing Pam Karriker (who received no party support).

Also, Karriker has had no qualms saying she firmly supports Amendment One and thinks it should have passed, and is glad it did pass.  Karriker's appointment was heavily applauded by Durham Republican operatives.  Meanwhile, the Durham Democratic Party was left with a sucker punch to the gut, by an already-losing-popularity Board.  A board which I've publicly stated is more paranoid and entangled with minutia than any I've seen before.  They trust nobody - which is so odd, it now makes me question their motives in any major decision.

I'd be willing to bet a dinner at Pop's that again, this Board will ignore the overwhelming recommendation of Foster.

Again this board will allow emotion, personal vendetta and individual, emotional insecurity to keep someone "the people" have stated they wanted, politically (at the Democratic Party Exec Committee) and democratically (at the ballot box).  Anyone who, as myself, loves research and studying details has already concluded that Foster's primary numbers were impeccable.  He won all precincts (even more dominantly where certain operatives were attempting to get voters to not support him).

If the Durham Board of Commissioners gives into emotion, as seems to be custom, they'll not appoint Foster.  And if so, I am predicting in-writing that you'll see backlash as never before.

Your most staunch Democratic supporters will not be pushing a "straight party ticket."  This, my friends, will open the door for Mr. Beasley.

And with the strong desire for change, a bad Political play by the Board of Commissioners could likely result in one of the incumbents being knocked-off and replaced by Beasley.

Stay tuned for yet another missed, I'm betting, by this group.

Note:  I don't dislike any of the current Commissioners.  I just feel that on average, they allow distractions (and lack of preparation) to keep them from making informed decisions. Furthermore, an unearned aura of arrogance has overcome the Commissioner's Chambers - some people have forgotten from where the Lord has brought them and need to evaluate their personal lives, rather than always gossiping about other elected officials and community leaders and undermining people in general. And I've said that to each of them, so I'm not being two-faced.  It is time for a spirit of love around here and I believe that comes from leadership.

Besides, I'm copying the Democratic Commissioners to this email.  I'm transparent and don't say anything behind someone's back, that I won't say in their face.

At least people know where I'm coming from.....no straddling here.

- Darius

Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
Manta Business Profile/Report: 

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matt 21:22]

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From: Carl Kenney <revcwkii at hotmail.com>
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Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 13:59:36 
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Subject: [Durham INC] New from the Rev-elution

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