[Durham INC] New from the Rev-elution: Ending the cycle of poverty transportation

Darius Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Wed Aug 15 08:55:49 EDT 2012


I appreciate your writings, but I am going to contest this one.  (Smile)

Allowing the individual to get off of that bus without educating him on the fact that "riding the bus" isn't completely racial oppression was the biggest failure that has occurred.

I am black and I am sick and tired of other blacks making the bus a racial issue.  There are more poor Whites in Durham County than Blacks.  Why don't you see them on the bus?  Most poor Whites live in rural areas, whereas most poor Blacks live in the City Limits.

There are too many educated, well-off Blacks in Durham for articles as this to be allowed to be printed and published, without being called-out.

It is offensive to always see the "poor" image of Blacks being elevated.  Let's publish some articles on the young business owners in the Black Community, such as your truly, who employ a freakin' staff, am very active in politics, countless civic organizations in Durham, tutors/mentors youth, volunteers, etc.  Or young Black professionals, like Pierce Freelon, who are hardworking, manage a family, is involved in the community and engages in a lot of civic activities.

I'm tired of hearing about the White Man and how oppressed we Blacks are - it just isn't so.

In Durham, we have poor Blacks, but the average Black in Durham is doing pretty well.  That is not to say the "Black Community" is where it needs to be, collectively, but if we are going to encourage those at the lower tier of socioeconomics in our community, they'd be best served reading about and seeing the avenues for success, not enabled to rely upon the crutch of complacency, by reading articles such as the one you just published.

If I were poor and read that article, I'd not be very encouraged to be proactive....

- Darius

Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
Manta Business Profile/Report: 

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matt 21:22]

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Kenney <revcwkii at hotmail.com>
Sender: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 19:53:45 
Subject: [Durham INC] New from the Rev-elution: Ending the cycle of poverty

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