[Durham INC] have fact checkers at the debates

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 8 17:18:04 EDT 2012

If you haven't already signed this one, please  consider signing. Thanks.

Subject: Have fact checkers 
        at the presidential and vice-presidential debates

        must know what is true before they can make decisions that are in 
        their own best interest and that of our country. It would be best if 
        the fact checking is done during the commercials and then before the 
        next round of debates, the fact-checkers' findings could be read 
        without comment. This would be much more powerful than reading about 
        it in the newspapers the next day.

That's why I signed a 
        petition to Commission on Presidential Debates and the major TV 
        networks, which says:

"Have unbiased fact checkers at the 
        presidential and vice presidential debates so that voters can base 
        their decisions on facts rather than rhetoric."

Will you 
        sign this petition? Click here:


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