[Durham INC] DOST Resolution on Duke Diet & Fitness Center Property

Will Wilson wgw at duke.edu
Mon Sep 24 09:39:34 EDT 2012

Dear City Council and Mayor,

After a presentation by Stormwater Services and further discussions over 
the last few months, the Durham Open Space and Trails Commission adopted 
the following resolution concerning the acquisition and use of the Duke 
Diet & Fitness Center property being considered for a constructed 
wetlands for stormwater control. It is incorporated within the body of 
this email and attached as a pdf.

Thank you for your consideration and your service to Durham!

Will Wilson, Chair
Durham Open Space and Trails Commission

Resolution on the Acquisition and Use of the Duke Diet
and Fitness (formerly Durham YMCA) Property

WHEREAS, the City of Durham is situated at the upper reaches of two 
watersheds; and,

WHEREAS, stormwater from Durham’s downtown impervious surfaces causes 
harm to the water quality and nutrient processing capabilities of 
streams and reservoirs in the lower portions of the watersheds; and,

WHEREAS, the Duke Diet and Fitness (DDFC) property is ideally situated 
for a major stormwater control measure for nearly 500 acres of urbanized 
watershed; and,

WHEREAS, such a stormwater control measure would likely improve the 
condition of Ellerbee Creek and reduce nutrients exported to the Falls 
Lake Reservoir; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Durham Stormwater Services has expressed interest 
in acquiring all interests in said property for the purposes of a 
stormwater control measure; and

WHEREAS, Duke University may wish to divest itself of its interests in 
the DDFC property: NOW THEREFORE

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Durham Open Space and Trail Commission (DOST) 
recommends that the City of Durham acquire the Duke Diet and Fitness 
property with the intention of constructing a state-of-the-art 
stormwater control measure that helps restore Ellerbe Creek and reduce 
nutrients exported to Falls Lake reservoir.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DOST encourages the City of Durham to 
incorporate in the facility’s design educational and passive open space 
recreational uses, for example trails and picnicing facilities, and to 
ensure that the site serves as a positive open space amenity for the 
surrounding neighborhoods.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DOST requests the opportunity to participate in 
the detailed planning and development of the site.

Adopted this 19th day of September, 2012.
	Will Wilson, Chair
	Durham Open Space and
	Trails Commission

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