[Durham INC] parks future plan

Josie McNeil riojosie at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 20:18:04 EDT 2012

I attended the meeting at the Milton Road library on Thursday night last
week regarding the work in progress on the update to our Durham Parks and
Recreation Master Plan.

Present:  Nathan, the citizen chair of the study, 3 members of Durham Parks
and Recreations (DPR), 2 members of the Recreation Advisory Commission
(RAC), 1 strong proponent of soccer fields (sorry I did not get his name
and contact information), and myself.  Since they all knew each other from
previous meetings, I was the only new input.  I was very glad to see the
RAC commissioners out for a meeting to hear what citizens think.  And I'm
grateful to DPR for holding this meeting.

Are these meetings being advertised well enough?   I don't know exactly how
many parks we have in PAC2, but I think how they are cared for is a very
important issue for many of us.

I think it is very important that the DPR public information people send
around a notice of the remainder of the meetings on this topic, and
reminders close to the date of each one,  and how citizens who cannot make
those meetings can offer input.

josie mcneil
locahven hills
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