[Durham INC] INC Trails Resolution

TheOcean1 at aol.com TheOcean1 at aol.com
Wed Jan 9 14:33:36 EST 2013

Please  forward this resolution to your neighborhood's listserv. If we can 
vote on it  before the Coffee with Council meetings in March, our elected 
officials will  know they are on the right trail. (pun intended)
Short  background:
There has been a national effort for years, it's called  Rails to Trails.
Locally,  various groups such as Durham Open Space and Trails, and some of 
our elected  officials, have been working toward this worthy goal.
Many of  the rails this would effect are so over grown, it's easy to miss  
An example  runs between Old North Durham and Duke Park. You cross over it 
on Roxboro Road,  at the Duke Park sign. You'll see it again in the valley 
of Glendale below the  Markham traffic circle. It would end near the old 
It's  appropriate for the neighborhoods to chime in. Please determine if  
your neighborhood supports the idea, and come prepared to vote at the Feb 26  
INC meeting.  Thanks!

Bill Anderson

In a message dated 1/8/2013 5:44:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
TheOcean1 at aol.com writes:

Duke  Park would like the InterNeighborhood Council Neighborhoods to 
consider the  following resolution:
Because  our current trail system is a treasured asset to the citizens of 
Durham,  provides a source of healthy enjoyment and recreation, and an 
alternative  to fossil fuels means of transportation. 
And  because an actively used walking trail is a far better thing to have 
running  between our neighborhoods than an abandoned rail road line.
We, the member neighborhoods of the InterNeighborhood Council, add our  
voice to the wise organizations and elected officials who are working toward  
this outstanding effort to add more walking trails in the City of  Durham.

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