[Durham INC] First Annual Durham Lawn Clinic

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 28 07:43:50 EDT 2013

As I mentioned at the meeting on Tuesday, it sounds like we will have great weather for this event.  Please forward to neighborhood list-serves.  Thanks, pat

          Or.... How I Stopped Torturing My Yard
              and Saved the Lakes

            Our lawns are
                greening up and getting full of robins and dandelions, so you might be
                thinking about what you want to do differently this year
                in your yard. For example, as we try to reduce nutrients
                going into our lakes, can you make a difference by using
                the best times to fertilize and best ways to control weeds, and making sure you aren't
                spreading more fertilizer than you need?  Do you have microclimates in your yard -- and how do you deal with them? 

            The Durham County
                Soil and Water Conservation District and the Sierra Club
                will be having a lawn clinic in from 1:00PM to 2:30 on
              March 30th.  We will start
                by the wall at 839 Sedgefield Street, walk
              around to look at cool yards and talk about talk about how lawn chemicals get into stormwater.  In the process, we will learn some practical things about lawn care.
To RSVP, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LawnClinic
Regards, pat


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