Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Thu May 30 21:30:15 EDT 2013

Just a reminder. Carolyn Aaronson has spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to ensure the integrity of our protest petitions and to protect Jordan Lake from special interests who would like nothing more than to remove all protections so they can build lake-front properties, regardless of whether or not anyone will be able to swim in (or drink from) the lake in the future.
If you haven't done so already, please click the link below and write to your city council members.
The developers have made NO environmental concessions and the affordable housing component (at least anything 'committed') appears to have been removed from the equation.
Widening 751 only serves to widen the developers pockets, as it will no doubt be required by the increased traffic caused by their development and will no doubt increase the chances of increasing density on any land in this corridor that has yet to be rezoned from rural residential.
Thank you for writing your city council, and thank you for taking the time to appear Monday night (please sign up to speak in opposition if you feel remotely passionate about this issue).
Thanks,Melissa (Rooney)

--- On Thu, 30/5/13, carolyn aaronson <carolynandbitsy at earthlink.net> wrote:

From: carolyn aaronson <carolynandbitsy at earthlink.net>
To: "Francine Mehler" <mehlerx2 at yahoo.com>
Received: Thursday, 30 May, 2013, 3:49 PM

I am resending this because we need more emails sent NOW!!!!!!! please forward!!!!!!!!JORDAN LAKE COULD BE FOREVER CHANGED....TAKE TWO MINUTES TO EMAIL, the vote is this Monday!Just click link below and it will go to ALL  the council.  Sample letter could be:Dear Council members,Vote NO TO ANNEXATION OF 751!  Thank you for supporting the citizens and protecting Jordan Lake.your name, etc. 
how easy is that??????????? JUST DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!! and then email to 10 friends and who know what a wonderful magic may happen to you..... (just kidding i hate those kinds of emails )...... but the truth is if you don't email the council we may end up regretting this moment for a life time.
Dear friends,
" We have been able to keep the appalling 751 South development at bay for years now, but all may be lost in one vote. On June 3, NEXT Monday, the Durham City Council will vote on whether to annex and supply utilities to 751 South. If we lose, the fight will over and the bulldozers will move in.
We need 4 NO votes. Please take the time TODAY to email the Mayor and Council urging them to vote NO." (from Steve Bocckino's email)  
I recommend sending them positive letters thanking them for voting against this in that past and all the hard work they do for the city. Encourage them to continue to listen to the citizens of Durham and all the opposition to this project and to VOTE NO TO ANNEXATION OF 751 SOUTH.  Sign your names and put address especially if you live in Durham or Durham County.
THIS DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!! Last year i heard directly from the some of the Council members before they voted that they had gotten hundreds of emails.YOUR EMAIL REALLY COUNTS!!!!!  Just click on the link below and email them ALL  at once.  

council at durhamnc.gov 

Please pass this email along! Time is very short.
Thank you dear friends and pass this along........ carolyn aaronson

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