[Durham INC] Matching Grant troubles, again.

Will Wilson willwilsn at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 11:43:02 EDT 2013


Thanks for passing the Matching Grants Resolution and the Open 
Space/Farmland Preservation Resolution. I'm sorry I couldn't be at the 
meeting to join in the discussion.

It has just come up that the last round of Matching Grants awards is in 
trouble. BOCC Chairman Fred Foster has pulled them from the June 10th 
consent agenda, and has expressed a desire to cut them to reduce county 
spending. (That action also implies serious trouble for funding next 
year's Matching Grants Program, not to mention Open Space & Farmland 
Preservation funding.)

INC can again help. The County Commissioner's meeting on June 10th 
allows public input on the budget, and you can also speak to the 
Matching Grants awards on that agenda item. Just before you enter the 
Chambers (200 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Old Courthouse) you'll find 
agendas and forms to sign up to speak. Someone standing nearby should be 
collecting the forms. Also please send out this email to folks you know, 
especially ones connected to these projects.

Below I pass on a set of talking points about the MGP in general, then 
outline the four projects DOST approved for funding by DOST in the 
latest cycle.

Talking points:
1. The Matching Grants Program is a public private partnership program
that leverages county dollars and results in projects worth at least 
twice as much as the county funding.

2. It has been in operation since 1991 and has funded over 50 projects
throughout the county ranging from open space acquisition, ball fields, 
tot lots, and nature trails.

3. The current projects are dispersed around Durham including: the
inner city, western Durham, and two in northern Durham. They will 
enhance access to nutritious food for low income citizens and children 
and improve recreational opportunities for individuals and families.

4. Applicants usually provide a great deal of volunteer labor and get
community groups actively engaged in helping.

5. The Matching Grants Committee of DOST worked hard to thoroughly
screen the four projects up for approval and assure that they met all 
grant guidelines.

The four projects DOST approved for funding from last year's budget:
Diverse Occupational Vocational Education Institute
Briggs Avenue Garden Pavilion and Orchard Project

Keep Durham Beautiful
Sandy Creek Park Improvements

Triangle Land Conservancy
Horton Grove Nature Park improvements

Trips for Kids Triangle
DPS Hub Farm Improvements

Diverse Occupation Vocational Education Institute – The Briggs Avenue 
Garden Pavilion and Orchard Project will construct an open air multi-use 
pavilion and provide a fruit tree and grapes demonstration garden. 
Produce from the garden will be distributed to active participants and 
local food pantries in Durham.  This project is an extension of the 
Briggs Avenue Garden, managed by Durham County’s Cooperative Extension 
Service.  The Briggs Avenue Garden, located at 1303 South Briggs Ave, is 
a community garden primarily serving the low and moderate income 
residents of the surrounding community.  A recommended Matching Grant of 
$15,370 is for a project with a $30,740 total cost.

Keep Durham Beautiful – Sandy Creek Park improvements include the 
installation of a wildlife observation deck, removal of invasive 
specials, landscaping, signage, fencing to protect grassy areas, and the 
installation of bike racks, charcoal grills, and ADA compliant picnic 
tables.  This recommended project is $20,237 and would receive $10,000 
in Matching Grant funds.

Triangle Land Conservancy – The improvements to the Horton Grove Nature 
Park include adding additional amenities for users of the park.  These 
improvements include signage, seating, and the continued removal of 
non-native, invasive species.  Also included are trail upgrades and 
additional site improvements.  The recommendation is $9,000 of Matching 
Grant funds.

Trips for Kids Triangle – The improvements to the DPS Hub Farm include 
the construction of a multi-purpose building termed the “Outdoor 
Adventure & Learning Center,” the building of additional and improvement 
of trails and signage of the DPS Hub Farm trail network, and the 
creation of a commuter bike fleet for use in educational programming. 
The $14,000 Project is recommended for $7,000 of Matching Grant funds.

You can also email all of the County Commissioners at 
commissioners at dconc.gov.

Will Wilson
DOST Chair
willwilsn at gmail.com

New Book: http://www.constructedclimates.org/

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