[Durham INC] Cell tower resolution; impact of electromagnetic signals on citizens

Patricia pattimohr at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 17 15:04:35 EDT 2013

Ahead of next week's meeting and vote on INC's resolution calling for a moratorium on approving cell towers in residential areas, I wanted to forward the following message. It is from a Durham resident who experiences severe side effects from exposure to electromagnetic signals transmitted by cell towers. 

Her story speaks to the human side of this issue and emphasizes the importance of allowing citizens to voice concerns over over cell tower siting applications prior to regulatory review and approval. Please see her message below.

Patricia Mohr

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ellen whitaker <whitaker-e-s at clearwire.net>
To: Patricia <pattimohr at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 2:39 PM
Subject: Re:  Morehead Hill, INC, Cell Towers and Kent Corner

Dear Patricia,

I read in the News and Observer this weekend that the INC is wanting to hear from the neighborhood INC representatives about whether or not the neighborhoods support a resolution to allow residents to comment before cell towers are placed in their neighborhoods.  I live in Morehead Hill and it is my understanding that you are our INC representative.  I have copied the other board members for whom I have email addresses and I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this to the rest of the board.

Because I am electromagnetically sensitive and am extremely uncomfortable when near a cell tower, I would very strongly support the ability for residents to have some say in where cell towers are located, and I hope that the Morehead Hill Neighborhood Association Board agrees with me on that. In addition, I would also hope that the board would urge Self Help to commit themselves to the stipulation in their Development Plan that there be NO cell tower allowed on the Kent Corner Development Site.

I apologize for the length of this email, but feel it is necessary because many people are unfamiliar with electromagnetic sensitivity which only affects about 3% of the population to some degree or another. The more exposure one has, the worse the sensitivity becomes, so it is very important to try to avoid exposure as much as possible. 

The symptoms for me, and others with moderate to severe sensitivity, are literally intolerable when we spend any amount of time near a cell tower.  I can't shop at the North Point Kroger for this reason.  I have gotten very sick every time I've gone and it took several hours to recover once I left the area the last time I was there, so I will never go back. There are a growing number of places I can't go, including New Hope Commons since the huge tower went up behind Dick's Sporting Goods, and the entire town of Carrboro which has citywide free wi-fi. The center of Durham is also uncomfortable as there are phone masts on the tall buildings.

My symptoms include an uncomfortable pressure in my head and ears, sharp pains in my head near the skull and in my face, pain deep in my ears, difficultly concentrating, pain in my abdomen, agitation, a feeling that my body (especially my head) is "buzzing", sleep disruption, chest pain, rapid heartbeat and nausea. I am doing everything in my power to eliminate sources of wireless waves in my home.  I do not use a cell phone except to carry one in the car in case of emergency - which is ALWAYS turned completely OFF. I have NO cordless phone and NO wireless router or modem in my home.  I teach classical guitar in my home, and ask all of my students to turn their cell phones OFF completely before entering.  Several of my neighbors are being kind and turning off their routers when they aren't using them.

I live in the 700 block of Arnette.  The Kent Corner site is too close for me to be able to remain in my home if a cell tower were put on that site.  I am 55 years old and was finally able buy this, my first  (and hopefully last) home 6 years ago. I love my home and would be devastated if I had to leave because of a cell tower.  Even when "concealed," cell towers have a detrimental effect on property values.

Apart from any concern you may or may not have for me, a complete stranger, I would encourage you to review some of the links below and consider the long term health effects. There is mounting evidence that living near a cell tower is dangerous 

Please review the links below and the attachment regarding the recognition of Electromagnetic Sensitivity under the Americans with Disabilities Act:

Here is link to the 2011 resolution of the Council of Europe in which they acknowledge the mounting evidence that wireless is not good for us.  More importantly to me is that they acknowledge EMF sensitivity  which is what I have, and recommend that there be some accommodation for EMF sensitive people in the form of wave free zones:
Here is a link to a 1477 page report from Bioinitiative, (a group of dozens of MDs and PhDs) summarizing hundreds of studies regarding the safety of wireless emissions:
Here is a link to a British Documentary (one and a half hours long) on the topic of wireless.  There is a section on EMF sensitivity:
See also:
BioInitiatives new recommendations regarding safe levels of RF emissions:


Thank you so much for you time and attention.

Best regards,
Ellen Whitaker
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