[Durham INC] How to respond to bad bills from the General Assembly

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 19 07:19:19 EDT 2013

I sent out a proposal in April about how INC needs to be ready to respond to bad bills from the legislature.  Given the attempt to take away our property right to file protest petitions and how fast bad ideas will be flying around the General Assembly now that they are coming down to the end of the session, I think we need to look at how INC responds. 
Pass an enabling resolution that lays out the principles on which INC would react to bad bills from the General Assembly and what those reactions would be.Form yet another committee to keep an eye on what is going on.  This committee might set up a list-serve on which to share legislative news, and when there is some agreement that it is time to react, let the general list-serve know what the threat is and what to do about it.  They also might be listed on the website so that folks can contact them.Formalize the state-wide alarm role of alerting neighborhood groups across the state to start lobbying their representatives.  
Regards, pat

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