[Durham INC] Fwd: Cleveland Holloway Home Tour

Natalie Spring natalie.spring at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 09:13:22 EDT 2013

Good Morning!

Our Cleveland + Holloway home tour will be held this Saturday October 5th
from 10am until 3pm (suggested donation $5). Each year we open our
homes and gardens to all of Durham to raise funds for our neighborhood
events.   This year there is also a scanvenger hunt; scan codes at each
house to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to Bull City

This year, the home tour will begin in the soon to be KABOOM'd Oakwood Park
at the corner of Oakwood Ave and Holloway St. Annette Smith from DPR will
have a table at the tour detailing the plans for the makeover of our
beloved park.

If you'd like more information before the tour, you can find it at....



Hope to see you!


"This was a lucky recollection-- it saved her from something like regret"
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