[Durham INC] INC Traffic Enforcement Committee Meeting -- Wednesday, the 20th, 6:30 p.m. Conference Room 1-A, City Hall

Philip Azar pazar at nc.rr.com
Mon Nov 18 08:11:38 EST 2013

This Month's Durham InterNeighborhood Council Traffic Enforcement Committee will meet Wednesday, the 20th, at 6:30 in Conference Room 1-A in City Hall.

The purpose of the the INC Traffic Committee is to improve the safety of Durham neighborhoods by encouraging Durham law enforcement agencies to enforce speeding and yielding to pedestrian laws on neighborhood streets.  

Draft Agenda

1.  Seek input into draft resolution to bring before INC urging Durham City Council to direct the Durham Police Department increase traffic enforcement on neighborhood streets in a manner that is centralized and systematic and avoids racial profiling.  (Document is not yet drafted, but can be expected to track the attached document to a large extent.)

2.  Decide whether parallel resolutions directed to the County Commissioners and/or other bodies are appropriate.

3.  Receive updates that committee members, City staff or law enforcement representatives* may have. 

4.  Schedule next meeting (Confirm whether typical 3rd Wednesday (Dec 18th) likely to work @ same place and time)

5.  Other

*  Not confirmed as of this time for meeting.

INC Listserv -- There has been a warm debate on the Bike and Pedestrian Listserv surrounding the relative merits of Education/Encouragement vs. Engineering/Infrastructure.  One of our goals is to make Enforcement another healthy element of those discussions.

Bike and Pedestrian Listserv -- The InterNeighborhood Council meets in the fourth Tuesday of most every month in the Neighborhood Improvement Services Conference Room on the 3rd Floor in Golden Belt.  (The schedule for November and December is being adjusted for the holidays.)  As the full name implies, INC membership is comprised of neighborhoods.  Please consider sitting in on a meeting or checking with your local neighborhood association, home owners association or chaortic/local organic structure to determine whether your neighborhood already has a representative.  (Encouragement around neighborhood organization also available.)

All -- Traffic Enforcement not your thing?  More concerned about abating nuisance properties?  There's (another) INC committee for you.

Pete Katz is the INC Nuisance Abatement Committee Chair and can be reached at peterkatz01 at gmail.com.


Thank you,

Philip Azar
INC Traffic Enforcement Chair
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