[Durham INC] Smashfest! Your alternative Black Friday Event!

Debra Hawkins dhawkins4570 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 16:11:15 EST 2013

*********** Please Cross Post and come to this amazing made-in-Durham outing
! (thank you Ellen for this hilarious promo) **********************


Dear neighbors:

It's been proven countless times over the years that shopping on Black
Friday can lead to hypertension, depression, seasonal affective disorder,
bankruptcy, gas, road rage, buyer's regret, hives, insomnia, headaches,
uncontrollable laughing, inappropriate interpersonal interactions, nausea &
vomiting, and/or early onset dementia. So if you need an outlet after a day
of battling the crowds (or, if you need some activity after a day of sitting
home and feeling smug that you DIDN'T go shopping!) come to the Scrap
Exchange instead and participate in the 3rd Annual "Smashfest". 

On November 29th from 4-9 PM, help the Scrap celebrate its special holiday
kick-off tradition. We've been collecting all manner of glass, ceramics,
pottery, mirrors, and you-name-it breakables to be gleefully destroyed in
our anti-consumerism fund raiser. There will be music, firepits, movies,
food, activities for kids, and a chance to meet mosaic artist Jeannette
Brossart, who will use Smashfest remains to kick off a 3-month
artist-in-residence program with the Scrap Exchange to create mosaic pieces
that address literacy. During Smashfest, Brossart will provide an
interactive demonstration of mosaic techniques and applications with smashed
glass and crockery gathered through the evening. 

The outdoor space has been donated by the Cordoba Center. Raleigh-based
vintage film archivers A/V Geeks will project vintage educational and
industrial film footage of consumerism, mayhem and madness against the
concrete smashing wall to further set the mood and provide safe moving
targets for smashers to aim at. (Sorry, we cannot accept images of your
boss, your most hated political figure, your unlovable relatives, or your
financial advisor to post on the wall.)

There is no fee to be part of the cheering crowd or participate in
non-smashing activities. If you'd like to relieve some stress, you can
purchase breakables to hurl at the wall. There will also be sledgehammers
available to break up larger items (toilets!) and even a bowling ball on a
rope to tackle some really impressive items. (See demo video here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkR4cQlFP1o.) And, if you see something that
begs to be saved from the smashing wall, you can be an angel and rescue it
from destruction, too! 

Hope to see you there!

Friday, 11/29/13
Event: 4PM-9PM (but the Scrap opens for the day at 11AM)
923 Franklin Street, Durham (if you'd like to get there via the FREE Bull
City Connector, we are stop #16, Golden Belt, and the BCC runs until

Scrappily yours,
Ellen Ciompi, board member, Scrap Exchange

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