[Durham INC] Charge Ahead Durham - additional information

tfreid at dconc.gov tfreid at dconc.gov
Tue Feb 4 11:45:58 EST 2014

Thanks, Melissa, for spreading the word about Charge Ahead Durham!  Just to clarify - We expect to have the site ready for registration by the end of the week, but people can go there now to sign up to get notified when the challenge begins (www.ChargeAheadDurham.org).  Here is some additional information if people couldn't open the attachment:

Get ready to Charge Ahead to a Greener Durham in the coming year!  Charge Ahead Durham is a fun, new program that makes it easy for you take actions in your everyday life to help the environment, save money, and improve your overall well-being.   We will provide actions and clear guidance on steps you can take to save energy, conserve water, reduce waste, and connect with nature.  You report back on what you've done and get entered to win awesome prizes every week. We will be launching soon, but you can sign up now to get notified when the program starts.  Whether your motives are leaving a better world for your children, saving money or simplifying your life, Charge Ahead Durham has something for you.  Go to www.ChargeAheadDurham.org to sign up now!

We already have some amazing prizes including dinner for 4 at Piedmont, a bicycle from New Belgium Brewing, green cleaning services, LED lightbulbs, container gardens, and more.  We will be giving out at least 2 prizes a week and then several grand prizes.  We certainly would welcome other prizes to be donated!

Charge Ahead Durham is designed to involve people from all walks of life and on all levels of current environmental awareness. You do have to have some ability to access the website, either from a desktop or mobile device.  For more information, contact the City-County Sustainability Office at 919-560-7993 or ChargeAhead at dconc.gov.

Tobin L. Freid
Sustainability Manager
Durham City-County
(919) 560-7999
Please note my new email address: tfreid at dconc.gov

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 17:14:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
To: INC <inc-list at rtpnet.org>
Subject: [Durham INC] Durham's Take Charge Contest (wrt environmental

Please see the attached document, which I received at the Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) meeting this evening.

You can register for this sustainability contest online this week (info in attached document and on website link provided therein).

The organizers are also accepting/soliciting donations for raffle prizes for participants as the initiative moves forward. The SWCD voted to donate a bird house.

If you or your business (or the one that you work for) can donate anything by way of prizes to this County program, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the right people (or you can search this out via the website provided).

Rain Barrels, Gardening Tools, a landscaping consultation, live native plants, etc. are very much welcome. But so are any donations that you would be happy to win in a raffle yourselves (pottery, a painting, a book, a gift card, a night at a local hotel/B&B, a gift card for bfast, lunch, or dinner at a local restaurant, I can think of many things I'd love to win, myself).

Thanks for sharing and caring!
Melissa (Rooney)

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