[Durham INC] Fall Lawn Clinic -- This Saturday (a reminder)

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 8 21:51:14 EDT 2014

A Fall Lawn Clinic, or How I Stopped Torturing My Yard and Saved the Lakes
When: Saturday, September 13, 10-11AM 
Where: 301 Spring Garden Drive, Durham
Our lawns greened up with the rain and fall is the time to make changes in your yard so it's a good time to learn how to have a "smarter" lawn. For example, as we try to reduce nutrients going into our lakes, can you make a difference by using the best times to fertilize and best ways to control weeds, and making sure you aren't spreading more
 fertilizer than you need?  Do you have microclimates in your yard -- and how do you deal with them?  Can you make planting choices that make a lower impact (and take less money and work)?The Durham County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Sierra Club will be having a lawn clinic from 10:00AM to 11:00 on September 13.  We will start at Melissa Rooney's
 house in the Fairfield Neighborhood (301 Spring Garden Drive), walk around to look at cool yards and talk about how lawn chemicals get into stormwater.  In the process, we will learn some practical things about lawn care.
Directions to 301 Spring Garden:  From Herndon Road, turn onto Springmoor Lane (the smaller of the two entrances to the Fairfield neighborhood). At end of Springmoor (T intersection), stop at stop sign and look straight ahead - that is the house.
Thanks, pat

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