[Durham INC] Winter warmup - with Durham Mardi Gras Love!

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 16:59:52 EST 2015

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Warm-up with Durham Mardi Gras Love!

If you love a parade, then join in the all-ages Durham Mardi Gras parad
<http://www.durhammardigras.com/> e (see www.durhammardigras.com for more
info) on Tuesday, February 17th at 7PM starting at CCB Plaza in downtown
Form a krewe and be in this creative, community parade or just come out and
watch. Join in the block party on Rigsbee Street. And then...for adults
there is music in the clubs <http://www.durhammardigras.com/bands-2015/> .
All for FREE!

So, if this seems like you might want to warm-up for all this fun, we have
three great acts for Samedi, uh, Valentine
<http://motorcomusic.com/event/durham-samedi-gras-party-hardy/> 's Gras at
Motorco - a Durham Mardi Gras fundraiser to help us keep the Big Day free.
https://www.facebook.com/events/1469712699917996/  Join the event, invite
your friends, share our posts - every post each of us makes spreads the


--- Laissez les Bull temps rouler!


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