[Durham INC] You Can Vote

Marge Nordstrom nordstrom.marge at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 19:40:07 EST 2016

I really hope it is ok to post this information because it is totally
non-partisan. This is the text of an email I sent to several neighborhood
listservs near me.

I was contacted by a friend about “You Can Vote”, what they are doing to
train volunteers to help with registering and getting “out the vote”.  I
admit I didn’t understand what they are about so I met with two of the
leaders.  I was so impressed!  Here’s what I understand.

   - ·         They are a non-profit group (501C-3) organization.
   - ·         They are partners with groups like Democracy North Carolina,
   League of Women Voters, colleges, churches, and community organizations.
   - ·         *They are non-Partisan*. *They do not promote a party or
   particular candidates.*
   - ·         Their goal is to help people understand new voting
   rights/regulations that could disenfranchise thousands of voters
   –particularly young people, low-income people, people of color, and
   seniors. The group educates and registers people to help them understand
   their rights and how to successfully cast a ballot in 2016 with or without
   a state-issued photo ID.
   - ·         They keep up with people who have registered to encourage
   them to vote.
   - ·         They train volunteers, provide scripts as well as “inside”
   locations.  No longer the need to “hang out” in parking lots and
   figuring out what to say.
   - ·         They, nor you, promote a party or particular candidates at
   any phase of the election cycle.

They have two up-coming training schedules in our area.  The first is at
the 2016 Kick-Off Event with their new partner Ben & Jerry’s (Free ice
cream to boot!) on Saturday, January 23rd in Durham (RSVP AND INFO HERE
<http://www.youcanvote.org/2016>)and one is Sunday January 31st in Chapel
Hill (RSVP HERE <http://www.youcanvote.org/ycv_2016_kick_off_20160130>)  I
hope you will consider attending one of them.  As you know, I am always
bugging people to get out and vote, but here’s an organized way to help
getting out the vote, no need to “wing it” when you talk to current and
prospective voters (current registrants are confused too and you can help
them understand), and no need to promote a party or particular candidates.
The goal is to get people to understand how to vote and hopefully to get
them to vote.

To register for the training classes, go to http://www.youcanvote.org/
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