[Durham INC] June 7th primary -- Early voting starts on Thursday

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue May 24 18:39:40 EDT 2016

This is a "make-up" election for races that were affected by different court cases.  In Durham County, I think there are 3 types of ballots: 2 for Republicans (and independents who want to vote in a Republican primary) for the different US House districts in the county, and one to narrow the number of people running for NC Supreme Court from 4 to 2.  It wis expected to be sort of a light turn-out -- let's get Durham to have the highest turn-out in the state!

There will not be early voting over the Memorial Day weekend, just 9AM - 6 PM on weekdays and 9Am - 1 PM on Saturday June 4th.  The only place to do early voting is downtown at the Board of Elections.

As usual, it is a good thing to check your registration status (just in case you died and didn't know it (-:) at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/voter_search_public/

The voter guide on judges is at https://www.ncsbe.gov/Portals/0/FilesP/2016_Supreme_Court_Primary_Election_Guide.pdf.  This guide has a lot of info on getting an absentee ballot and other gory details.

2016 Supreme Court Primary Election GUIDE - ncsbe.gov<https://www.ncsbe.gov/Portals/0/FilesP/2016_Supreme_Court_Primary_Election_Guide.pdf>
Monday, April 18 Absentee voting begins for June 7 primary, including contests for U.S. House of Representatives and N.C. Supreme Court Associate Justice

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