[Durham INC] Fw: Draft March minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 20 18:31:18 EDT 2019

For the meeting next week.  Regards, pat

From: Pat Carstensen
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 5:42 AM
To: inc listserv
Subject: Draft March minutes

Please let me know about corrections or additions.  Thanks, pat


March Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

NIS Conference Room, Golden Belt

March 26, 2019

Attending the meeting were:

Braggtown – Vannessa Mason Evans

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Forest Hills – Matt McDowell

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias, Stevie Daniels

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Old North Durham – Peter Katz, John Martin

Trappers Creek / Greymoss – Will Wilson

Trinity Park – Philip Azar

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller

Woodcroft – Jose Sandoval

Burch Avenue – ??


Lynwood D. Best – City of Durham, NIS

Annette Smith – DPR and Durham Parks Foundation

John Killeen -- Dataworks

President Rochelle Araujo welcomed those present, and folks introduced themselves.  Two additions were made to the agenda in business matters – on communications and Bill Anderson.

Philip Azar moved to approve the February minutes, Matt McDowell seconded and the motion passed.

INC has been asked to start thinking about how to measure the impacts of Expanding Housing Choices.   John Killeen led a discussion about selecting measurements and making sure that the way we do it listens to the whole community accurately.  An indicator is a number, proportion, percentage, or rate that helps measure the extent to which the activity has achieved its aims.   Your values form a lens through which you look at the data.  Indicators can measure the process (how many people did you get involved) or the impact (did the bad stuff decrease).  You need a baseline – how were things before you started trying to make them better; ideally you have a longer history in case things were improving without you.  Realistically, is the data available, accurate, frequently collected, complete, granular, un-biased (for example, not concentrated in certain census tracts), not hiding anything (decreasing evictions might simply reflect less low-cost rental property), robust (change when something really changes, help understand the why as well as what, not change just because the issue has moved elsewhere), and so on?  In the end, indicators are simplifications and may be hiding all kinds of history (for example, low land values still are showing the effects of redlining).  INC would want to help figure out how to measure change in affordability, tear-downs, move-outs versus move-ins, various concerns that have been expressed about neighborhood-ness, changes in prices – but the devil is in the details.  Tom moved that we empower the executive committee to create a working group to work on the issue, Susan seconded, and it passed.


  *   The West Durham neighborhood hike is Saturday.
  *   Northgate Park food truck rodeo season kicks off on Thursday.
  *   Renovation of outdoor basketball courts at Hillside Park is kicking off tomorrow, sponsored by Grant Hill, and the grand re-opening is April 13th.  City-wide 150th birthday bash is also that date.
  *   A developer is planning to build on the Durham Beltway, by the old Board of Election building, a 16 story building.  It would affect historic properties there.
  *   Durham One Call has an app that works with phone types.

Business stuff:

  *   Following up on honoring Bill Anderson, the 150th Birthday folks have him on the list of those to be honored, but we need to get details to Susan Sewell.
  *   There is conversation on issues like Expanding Housing Choices – do we need topics list-serves / google groups as discussion forums on specific topics, or put stuff on website more flexibly.  Pakis Bessias will talk about what we can do with the new website at the next INC meeting.

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