[Durham INC] FW: Trees Survey

Susan Sewell mssewell2009 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 11:54:31 EST 2019

Forwarded from INC listserv - Susan

The time has come! The Tree Survey has launched, and is open until November
30th. My two asks of you: *1) email it/distribute to your networks and, 2)
CC * grace.hancock at duke.edu  * on the email*.


Here is an opportunity to share your opinions
about the future of Durham and the importance of a healthy environment.

Take this survey
from TreesDurham, a local non-profit that believes that all Durham
residents deserve a socially just, healthy, and sustainable urban forest. *The
survey is open until November 30th*. Developed in partnership with graduate
students at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment, the survey seeks *to
understand and assess Durham resident attitudes toward trees and the
ecosystem services they provide*. Through this survey, TreesDurham
aims to *meaningfully
involve as many residents as possible* to inform their advocacy for a more
equitable distribution of environmental amenities in Durham.

Trees provide many environmental protections in cities, from better air
quality, reduced heat and flooding, to calming traffic and in some cases
lower crime. When these amenities are unequally distributed, environment
intersects with health, class and race - exacerbating these justice
concerns. This project
is important because Durham’s history of redlining and “urban renewal”
extends to its urban forest – wealthier, whiter neighborhoods enjoy more
tree cover today than their less white or lower-resourced neighbors. This
project is timely because the City of Durham is revisiting its
Comprehensive Plan starting this fall, with an eye toward land use which
would impact - among other things – the number and kind of trees in Durham.
This survey’s results will inform TreesDurham’s community-based advocacy
during this process.


Thank you!


Grace Hancock

Master of Environmental Management Candidate 2020

Environmental Economics and Policy

Duke University | Nicholas School of the Environment
She/her/hers | Cell: 405-317-1793
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