[Durham INC] Getting the census right

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 24 06:18:59 EDT 2020

I was a "census enumerator" in 2010, going around to find people who hadn't gotten their form in on time so I am concerned about the statistic that 40% of people haven't responded.  I think it is more about distraction than fear.

The Census Bureau is just starting to try to track down people who didn't respond.  Folks are supposed to counted at the residence where they were mostly living and sleeping as of April 1st.

I don't know how they will track down people who have moved due to lost jobs.  For example, we have had 3 families move on our street this summer (mostly for good reasons).

Also college students are supposed to be counted based on where they were living and sleeping as of April 1st.  https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/01/student-housing-off-campus-with-parents-college-students-count-2020-census.html.

Any thoughts on how to get everyone who was in Durham in April counted, no matter where they are now?

Thanks, pat

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