[Durham INC] Save the date: Annual Neighborhoods Hike (Sun, March 28)

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 5 16:54:38 EST 2021

Annual Neighborhoods Hike: West Durham, East Campus & Beyond
Sun, March 28 at 4PM (see Zoom link below)

Where was Wall Street? What's a Pinhooker? How did the Washington Duke Cigar Stand end up in a federal trial? Where did Madonna take early dance lessons? Why is Walltown called Walltown? What highway was going to connect Duke Gardens and Oval Park? Which famous songwriter was born behind Monuts? Where was the West Durham airport? Why wasn't Cameron Indoor Stadium built on Ninth Street? Where was Kevin Costner spotted in his boxer shorts, near East Campus? What's buried under Duke Hospital? Why do neighborhoods change so quickly in Durham?

To know the history of West Durham is to know 'the ridge.' Main Street and the railroad tracks follow the ridge. Pinhook, East Campus, Erwin Mills, NC's first highway, Watts Hospital, the city's oldest golf course, and West Campus were all located near the ridge. Local street historian John Schelp will narrate, showing vintage Durham postcards along the way.

Co-hosted by the Old West Durham, Walltown and Watts-Hillandale Neighborhood Associations, Open Durham/Preservation Durham, Museum of Durham History, and the Sierra Club. Join us on Zoom, rain or shine (and bring a friend).

Click here for a 5-min preview... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ws7xHeAR2M

Join Zoom Hike on March 28

Meeting ID: 829 6994 1787
Passcode: history

If we exceed our limit of 100, will have a second Zoom hike in May.

More local history @postcardsfromdurham on Instagram.

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