[Durham INC] May minutes -- draft

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat May 29 08:21:16 EDT 2021

Please let me know about corrections or additions.  Regards, pat

May Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

Via Zoom

May 24, 2021

Attending the meeting were:


Bragtown – Constance Wright

Colonial Village – Charles Giamberardino

Colony Park – Donald Lebkes

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen, Ed Harrison

Falconbridge – Dick Ford

Forest Hills – Sarah Morris

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Northgate Park – Keith Cochran

Old West Durham – David Eklund

Trappers Creek / Greymoss – Will Wilson

Trinity Park – Philip Azar

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller


Annette Smith -- Durham Parks and Recreation

Sara Young -- City/County Planning

DeDreana Freeman

President Will Wilson called the meeting to order, and those present introduced themselves. There were no adjustments to the agenda.  Bonita Green moved to approve April minutes, Keith Cochran seconded, and the minutes were approved.

Discussion with the Planning Director Sara Young -- Planning Director Sara Young’s view, which she has shared with staff, of the core mission of the department is:

  *   To serve the community: They work with developers, but do not serve them

  *   To apply their training and intelligence: They need to do more than making sure that the “boxes have been checked” and try to see and suggest better solutions, as well as provide more thoughtful and detailed information to the decision makers

  *   To make processes more transparent, more equitable, simpler, and otherwise make improvements that build trust: They are currently making changes that they can do internally, but may eventually get to changes in the UDO.  For example, there is new mapping tool of requests for rezoning and other actions, where the public can get information and leave comments;  the comments are passed onto the developer and decision makers

On the report on the impact of Expanding Housing Choices, there have been three reports (https://durhamnc.gov/3679/Expanding-Housing-Choices), although about ½ the metrics have been hard to get a number for based on data that is readily available.   On some “pattern book” of models for Accessory Dwelling Units, the idea has not yet been implemented; Ms. Young didn’t know the answer on what has happened with respect to the goal of helping low-wealth homeowners get financing to add ADUs to their properties. Planning and Transportation work hand-in-hand -- for example, there is recent work on connecting the county transit plan to the comprehensive plan; generally there is a lot of interaction between land-use changes and transportation investment / infrastructure. (which doesn’t necessarily mean the various organizations always agree.  Planning was just starting work on the Comprehensive Plan when the Equitable Engagement blueprint was created; their experience will shape improvements in the Equitable Engagement process.  On more on-going work with neighborhoods, they are working with NIS; one concern is that 6 Equitable Engagement pilot programs asking different questions may be overwhelming.  Tuscaloosa-Lakewood’s Neighborhood Protection Overlay doesn’t protect trees during tear-downs; better tree protection is something Ms. Young is interested in pursuing.  The NC General Assembly has been proposing new restrictions on how communities can control their growth (and requests for statistics that could lead to more restrictions); some proposal have a lot of poisonous / unintended consequences.  The push for more ways for individuals to participate (surveys, for example) levels the playing field for people who are not in organized groups; the intent is to add to the conversation rather than cut out organizations that have spent the effort to work out a “Position.”  Ms. Young is hoping to get out of the Comprehensive Plan a commitment to do some small area plans, proactively figuring out something that works for everyone.  A new development in Pat’s neighborhood had its streets repaved after about 10 years; the roads must have met standards for the city to accept its streets so had to pay for the work.  In light of the re-paving in new subdivisions, why aren’t the potholes in Bragtown getting fixed and doesn’t the transit plan include Route 9 (when they have worked so hard to get their needs identified).  Anecdotally, large-scale residential developers have local (RTP-wide) offices even if they are national companies; non-residential developments are more mixed.  In the 90’s, the Planning Department was organized into geographic teams rather than technical specialty teams; the organization did not work well because work tended to be patchy (too much work in one area and too little in another).  Ms. Young would like to develop the department in a way to enable with the job of staff developing their connection to / knowledge of the community.


Bylaws Revision Update -- The committee met and accepted the policy changes on, for example, what entities can be members.  Tom has added some clarifications on structure. The committee found that we need some changes to the bylaws in order to comply with NC Law with respect to governing boards and other details.  The committee will recommend a new set of bylaws, probably by September.

Development Project updates -- A new neighborhood aggregation of Leesville Road neighborhoods has started up and is speaking regularly about all the new development in the area; development pressures are rapid and huge, with no improvements in roads, no parks added, and little shopping.  Living next to on-going development -- with sediment uncontrolled, trees being cut, truck noise, etc. -- is hard.

INC Vice President -- Tom nominated Bonita.  She will consider it.


Will is looking for topics for meetings.  Someone suggested a People’s Alliance person  who could do a program about transportation; there was general agreement that we would like some kind of panel on transportation or walkability.  We might want to invite the new city manager.  Parks wouldn’t want to do a presentation until after the summer season and re-opening parks, but has some topics they would like to discuss: trails and master plans and volunteer opportunities.

Neighborhood Reports and Announcements

  *   Parks and Rec is continuing to re-open.  The Club Boulevard public art installation as a crosswalk is done.  Plant the Prairie will be looking for volunteers.

  *   Tuscaloosa-Lakewood is thinking of doing National Night Out in October, as being cooler and possibly more COVID-stable.


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