[Durham INC] County Commissioners Approve $736 Million Budget

Jones, Henry R. hrjones at dconc.gov
Mon Jun 14 22:07:08 EDT 2021


For Immediate Release                                                     Date: 06/14/2021
Contact: Public Information Office                                 Phone: (919) 560-0000/Fax: (919) 560-0020
                                                                                                E-mail: publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov<mailto:publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov>

County Commissioners Approve $736 Million Budget

Durham, N.C. - On Monday, June 14, 2021, the Durham Board of County Commissioners<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/board-of-commissioners/commissioner-meetings-and-announcements/bocc-agendas-video-library> adopted the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget totaling $736,007,803. This year's budget increases the County property tax rate one cent to 72.22 cents per $100 valuation. The budget passed with a unanimous vote by the BOCC.

"The Board made many tough decisions when finalizing the adopted budget. I am proud that we came to a consensus on important strategic investments that continue to make Durham County a thriving community," said Chair Brenda Howerton.

The FY '21 - '22 budget, approximately $61.8 million more than the previous budget, reflects a $6.2 million increase from the County Manager's Recommended budget of $729.76 million. The General Fund, providing the necessary financial resources for most of Durham County's activities and services is $504,763,473.

The approved budget provides $166,206,627 in funding for Durham Public Schools (DPS)<https://www.dpsnc.net/>, increasing by $11.13 million to support the per pupil amount of $3,974. A part of that funding increase is an additional $2.63 million for annual DPS capital support. An additional $7.07 million is budgeted under the County's Department of Public Health and the Office of the Sheriff to fund 32 school nurses and 27 School Resource Officers. Funding for Pre-K expansion increased slightly over $250,000 for FY '21 - '22. The budget allotment for Pre-K expansion is budgeted at $5.62 million. The FY  '21 - '22 budget provides $8,954,166 for Durham Technical Community College<https://www.durhamtech.edu/>. This is a significant increase of $1.08 million allotted since last year's budget cycle, related to a $675,000 appropriation for Life Science local job training, and $406,367 in additional funding supporting general programmatic needs.

Looking toward the upcoming fiscal year, Commissioners approved funding for a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment ($4.1 million) for all employees effective July 1st, 2021 as well as reinstatement of the annual merit pay increases based on performance, of 2% to 3% ($1.3 million). This is a reflection of no salary increase for employees during FY 2020-21 and the work performed by so many essential personnel during the previous year's pandemic.

Other highlights from the FY '21 - '22 approved budget include:

  *   Support for a City/County Refugee and Immigrant Services position (1 FTE)
  *   3 new positions in Social Services for a property tax relief program and $750,000 for potential relief - $942,119
  *   Bull City United (violence interruption) Increase of 20 new FTEs - 18 FTEs supported by City funding and 2 FTE costs supported by the County ($1.23 million)
  *   Racial Equity Program expansion - (2 new FTEs) $180,000
  *   Storage space for Public Safety departments (rental) - $1,000,000
  *   Public Health School Nurses - $1,115,124 (12 FTE)
  *   One time use of Debt Service Fund fund balance as a revenue sources - $3 million
  *   DSS Medicaid compliance support Phase 3 (Phase 1 and 2 in funded in FY 2020-21) - $478,174 (10 FTEs)
  *   48 replacement vehicles across various departments including the Sheriff and EMS - $3.03 million
  *   60 total new positions (FTEs) across multiple County departments to support increased work demands - $2.7 million.

To review the approved budget details, visit the County's Budget and Management Services webpage at dconc.gov/budget<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/budget-management-services>. Budget information on adopted budgets dating back 10 years prior are available to view and download on the page. For additional questions or information about the FY '21 - '22 Adopted Budget, email publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov<mailto:publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov>.


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