[Durham INC] Fwd: The Proposed Federal Rural Partnership Program: What You Need to Know

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 15:27:32 EDT 2021

*My apologies as this one almost slipped past me. This informational
session is on 10/27/21 at 2:00 pm.*
*It's good to register whether or not you are available, you will be on the
list to receive the recorded meeting. *


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Janet Topolsky <csg.program at aspeninst.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 5:03 PM
Subject: The Proposed Federal Rural Partnership Program: What You Need to
To: Bonita Green <nitab48 at gmail.com>

Wednesday, October 27 at 2:00 p.m. ET
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Stay Connected
*Info Session Alert*

*The Potential Federal Rural Partnership Program:  What You Need to Know*

*Wednesday, October 27 at 2:00 p.m. ET*
Register Here
Communities and regions across the rural United States and Native nations
often must scramble to find and access *any* funding that can be used
*flexibly* to address locally determined community and economic development
priorities in ways that make local sense. Within the budget reconciliation
package – which is in active negotiation right now – a proposed *Rural
Partnership Program* (RPP) would make *just that kind* of funding available
across the country to regional and local collaboratives that can include a
wide range of non-profits, government entities, philanthropic
organizations, colleges and others. RPP represents a new approach for how
federal resources can support rural America.* Learn more here

As negotiations on the budget reconciliation bill continue in the coming
weeks, the RPP is at risk of being left out of the final package,
potentially leaving behind a transformational opportunity for rural America.

*Now* is the time to learn about it so that you can talk about it with
colleagues, the media and elected officials.

In this one-hour information session, the Reimagining Rural Assistance
Network (RRAN) will briefly offer current information about the provisions
and status of RPP. This session will also include the perspective of expert
rural practitioners who will share their thinking and experience about how
providing federal resources through an RPP approach could accelerate and
deepen positive rural development results. Please forward and share this
Info Session Alert with colleagues. Questions will be encouraged at the
event and all are welcome! Register Here

*This Opportunity Alert is part of the Community Strategies Group's Thrive
Rural effort to connect rural development, health and opportunity. Thrive
works to create a shared vision and understanding about what it will take
for communities and Native nations across the rural United States to be
healthy places where everyone belongs, lives with dignity, and thrives. All
questions related to this opportunity should be directed via email to
csg.program at aspeninst.org <csg.program at aspeninst.org>. *
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