[Durham INC] October minutes: draft

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 1 19:55:05 EDT 2021

Please let me know about additions or corrections.  In particular, I did not get Steven Knill's neighborhood.  Thanks, pat

September  Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of DurhamBankson

Via Zoom

October 26, 2021

Attending the meeting were:


Bragtown – Vannessa Mason Evans

Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar

Colonial Village -- Charles Giamberardino

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Forest Hills – Sarah Morris

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Northgate Park -- Keith Cochran

Old Farm -- David Harris

Old West Durham – David Eklund

Trinity Park – Philip Azar

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller


Annette Smith -- Durham Parks and Recreation, Durham Parks Foundation

Will Wilson -- president of INC

Mad Bankson -- DataWorks

Barbara Driscoll -- New Hope Audubon

Ellen Reckhow-- New Hope Audubon

DeDreana Freeman

ChayLa Hart -- Leave Your Leaves

John Killeen -- DataWorks

Steven Knill -- which neighborhood?

L’Tanya Durante

Tim Stallmann -- DataWorks

President Will Wilson called the meeting to order, and those present introduced themselves.  The November/December meeting will be on December 7.

Folks from DataWorks presented data about what is happening with housing in Durham: who is moving here, how people leaving complicates the picture of growth, how fast rents are increasing, how eviction rates are changing, what housing has the highest eviction rates, and what is the effect of increasing levels of corporate and out-of-state investment.  From the data, Durham is attracting more higher-income folks.  Corporate evictions are concentrated around Duke Manor and The Mews, but smaller landlord evictions are focused around East Durham and NCCU.  Area Media Income is wildly different among the Durham, the Chapel Hill MSA, Durham County, and individual neighborhoods. The annotated presentation is at Presentation on Housing for Inter-Neighborhood Council, Nov 2021 - Google Slides<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cuWzsbUa_xfiQ9LeCBuCrZtiqR1HjbDSQz4-NwwzThc/edit#slide=id.p> or  https://bit.ly/durham_housing_inc

Leave Your Leaves saves time and money, increases biodiversity, and improves water quality.  Especially compared to using leaf blowers, leaving the leaves reduces carbon and noise pollution, as well as stirring up less asthma-causing dust and pollen.  Leaves in land fills break down, releasing methane.   You can leave them on the lawn, pile them around trees and shrubs or compost them, all of which will nourish plants in your yard.  More information is at  https://keepdurhambeautiful.org/leaveyourleaves.  The group is willing to give presentation in any neighborhood that would like to see it.

Bylaws Revision Update -- The committee has been reviewing the re-write the bylaws. Phil Azar went through the most recent agreements about the text.  We would have three ways to become a member of INC: being a neighborhood, being a collective of neighborhood, or being a non-profit representing under-represented neighborhood stakeholders.  All members would need to apply and continue to attend meetings and pay dues.  Members would be represented by designated delegates.  The text of the proposed new bylaws is at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jXMV-gAfXp80TmTAIsIn7l3-nXRASJGg/view. Tom moved to adopt the new bylaws to get the adoption process started, Bonita seconded.  We will get out the proposed text and a high-lights / summary questions.

Candidate Questionnaire -- It became too late to send it out.

INC President's Report (Will Wilson) -- The number of neighborhoods involved in INC has been about the same in the last 2 years.  We had about 4 meetings in person, and the rest of the following meetings were over zoom:

10/19: miniretreat

11-12/19: committees

1/20: Transportation Dir. Egan; Northgate Mall

2/20: Water Supply (Paul Miller); Racial Equity Taskforce

(none with COVID start

4/20: Durham Coronavirus (Wendy Jacobs); Party Houses

5/20: Party Houses; Bragtown

6/20: Small Business Development (Brian Smith)

7/20: Durham Board of Elections (Derek Bowens)

8/20: Durham evictions (Jesse McCoy)

9/20: Durham's Trees (Dan Hickey)

10/20: committees

11-12/20: NIS equitable engagement; Durham Mutual Aid

1/21: Bylaws; Comp Plan Update

2/21: Hayti Heritage Center (Robin Emmons)

3/21: Affordable Housing (Yonah Freemark)

4/21: Planning Commission (Nate Baker)

5/21: Planning Director Sara Young

6/21: Durham City Manager Wanda Page

7/21: committees

8/21: Fiber install; Duke rezone; committees

9/21: Land trusts (Selina Mack)

10/21: Housing (John Killeen)

INC Slate for 2021-2022.  The committee has nominated:

  *   President -- Bonita Green

  *   Vice President -- David Eklund

  *   Secretary -- Pat Carstensen

  *   Treasurer -- Susan Sewell

  *   At-Large Executive Committee -- Sarah Morris, Vanessa Mason Evans

  *   Communications -- Pakis Bessias

  *   Past President -- Will Wilson

Tom nominated the people on the slate.  There were no further nominations.  Tom moved to close the nominations.  Sarah seconded.  The slate passed.

Neighborhood News:

  *   There will be a Holiday Parade this year.

  *   A Community Conversation on the new park on Hoover Road is tomorrow night.

  *   Sunday December 19th is the “canonical” date for Night of Lights.

  *   Comments are due to DEQ on the water permit for Black Meadow Ridge on October 28th.

  *   The next step on the Comprehensive Plan has started.  Work groups have started meeting.  Stephen’s neighborhood was excluded from participating with work groups.

  *   Forest Hills is shutting down 2 circles for Halloween Trick or Treating.  Watts Hospital Hillandale. is discouraging Trick-or-Treating on Club Boulevard.

If there is regular flooding in your neighborhood, you can report it to Durham One Call. It does help to keep grates clean.

The meeting adjourned.

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