[Durham INC] Fwd: Video on COVID vaccine and immigration status in 9 languages/Videos sobre la vacuna COVID y el estado migratorio en 9 idiomas

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 11:58:57 EST 2021

*(espa**ñol abajo)*


I am sharing these videos available in 9 languages created by our national
partners at the Protecting Immigrant Families campaign about the COVID
vaccine and immigration status (no immigration status needed to get
vaccine, getting vaccine has no impact on your immigration application).

Please feel free to share with your networks!

Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition - YouTube

Kate Woomer-Deters

NC Justice Center



Estoy compartiendo estos videos disponibles en 9 idiomas creados por
nuestros socios nacionales en la campaña Protecting Immigrant Families
sobre la vacuna COVID y el estado migratorio (no se necesita estado
migratorio vigente para recibir la vacuna, recibir la vacuna no tiene
ningún impacto en su solicitud de inmigración).

¡No dude en compartirlos con sus redes!

Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition - YouTube

Kate Woomer-Deters

Centro de Justicia de Carolina del Norte

Katharine Woomer-Deters

Senior Attorney

Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project

North Carolina Justice Center

P.O. Box 28068

Raleigh, NC  27611

(919) 861-2072

(919) 856-2175 (fax)

kate at ncjustice.org

Bonita Green
Merrick-Moore Community Development Corporation
*merrickmoorecommunity at gmail.com <merrickmoorecommunity at gmail.com>*
954.632.2079 (mobile)
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