[Durham INC] Fwd: Bicycle Safety Quiz available on line!

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 16:03:01 EST 2022

*BikeWalkNC's New Educational Programming *

*Has Arrived!*

*Are you an adult cyclist, have a child cyclist, do you drive a car or
truck, and want to learn more about how we share the road?*

The online *NC Bicycle Safety Quiz* is an educational tool provided by
BIkeWalk NC to teach adults, children, motorists, and truck drivers how to
share the road safely. The interactive quizzes cover safety techniques and
relevant state laws using images and short explanations for each answer.

The Quiz is sponsored by *AARP* and was modified from one created by
BikeIllinois with their assistance.

*We hope you will enjoy it and find it worthwhile!*

*There are quizzes for four different audiences:*

* Adult Bicyclist
– for teens and adults

* Child Bicyclist
– for 4th and 5th graders (or younger with adult help)

* Motorist/Drivers Ed
– for motorists and student drivers

* Truck Driver
– for drivers of trucks, buses, and other large vehicles

*Looking for an in-person engagement and you live in Greensboro?*

*Sign up for The NC Bicycle Friendly Driver Program sponsored by the
Governors Highway Safety Program and in partnership with Bicycling in
Greensboro:  *

*How to Safely Co-Exist on the Road with People on Bikes and other Active
Transportation Users*

Inspired by similar efforts in other states and supported by the NC
Governor’s Highway Safety Program, *this program provides important
information to help motorists safely co-exist with bicyclists and other
active transportation users on the roadway.*

*This interactive workshop will discuss:*

   1. Motorist driving habits that impact active transportation users;
   2. Bicyclist safety practices;
   3. Preventing common crashes  between motorists and active
   transportation users; and
   4. Interacting with infrastructures like bike lanes and discussion of
   Complete Streets concepts.

*Here are the key details:*

   - *Date and Time:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022
   - *Time*:  6:00-8:00pm (space opens at 5:30)
   - *Location*:   Transform GSO
   111 West Lewis Street, Greensboro
   - *Registration*:  Registration is free but we really appreciate your
   letting us know you’re coming!  Thanks for providing some information at
   the following link:   https://forms.gle/HFjGT4sQrgcUWN1K8

*Advocacy Alert: Tell your North Carolina State Representatives to restore
bicycle and pedestrian funding now!*



Find your representative and call, email, or write them to restore bicycle
and pedestrian funding for the health, safety, and mobility of all North
Carolina residents and visitors!

Every comment, broad or specific, lets NC representatives know that their
constituency cares about active transportation safety.

Please contact your State Legislator today


*BikeWalk NC Needs Your Support. Now, More Than Ever.*

We have re-discovered the simple joy of walking and cycling than at any
time in modern history, because of the constraints of social distancing and
the need to stay healthy. You, as well as all of these new bicyclists and
walkers, deserve safe streets and dedicated facilities. We are working
every day for you to improve our built environment and we appreciate your
continued support.

Terry Lansdell

Director, BikeWalkNC



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