[Durham INC] Draft March Minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 24 06:59:25 EDT 2022

Please let me know about additions, elaborations, or corrections.  Thanks, pat

March Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

Via Zoom

March 22, 2022

Attending the meeting were:


Bragtown – Vannessa Mason Evans

Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar

Colonial Village – Angel Romero

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Forest Hills – Sarah Morris

Leesville Road Coalition – Steven Knill

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Northgate Park – Keith Cochran

Old North Durham – Helena Cragg

Old West Durham – David Eklund

Trinity Park – Philip Azar, Mimi Kessler

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller


Will Wilson – Past President of INC

Jackie Turner – Jackie Turner Consulting , community engagement on aquatics projects

John Tallmadge – Bike Durham

Jacobo Montibbio – Bike Durham

Carmen Kuan – Bike Durham

President Bonita Green called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone; those present introduced themselves.  A report by the Bylaw Committee was added to the agenda.  Tom Miller moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting,  Vannessa Mason Evans seconded and this was passed.

Aquatics Projects / Splash and Play – Jackie Turner talked about how the aquatics projects (now called Splash and Play) fit into the overall Parks and Recreation plans and the equitable investment goals.  They have just started doing community engagement, going to festivals, neighborhoods and many events.  They will share what they learn with the technical team and come back in another round of engagement to talk about more concrete proposals.  For a city the size of Durham, we have few aquatic facilities, and they are old.  Three sites for aquatics projects were identified in the master plan: Long Meadow Park, Wheels Fun Park, and East End Park.  Much of Long Meadow Park structure is in the flood-plain.  Aquatic facilities can be indoor or outdoor, regional or neighborhood, spraygrounds or more elaborate.  The demographics around the potential sites are shifting; they want to make sure the demographics of the people engaged in discussing needs matches the demographics of stakeholders.  Furthermore, they want to be looking at the interests of different age groups.  They will be asking about what people will use, how things should look, and so on.  If you have information to share or want to host an activity, Ms. Turner’s contact information is:  Jackie at jturnerconsulting.com 919-307-5942

Bike Durham’s Safe Routes to Schools – Bike Durham has a contract with the city of Durham to do the safe routes to school, using money from a grant from NC DOT.  The program started as a volunteer effort, and then got the funding.  They do bike and walk to school events and bike safety classes at elementary schools.   In 2021, they had 13 schools and about 5000 kids (some in costume) in the events.  Three schools did the classes in 2021; Bike Durham brings a “kit” of bikes, helmets, vests, and cones in order to give kids practice at riding safely, show the social aspects of biking, and teach a little bike maintenance.   They have events where kids get bikes and gear.  More information is at https://bikedurham.org/safe-routes-to-school.

Old Business

Bylaws – We had a motion to pass the bylaws with the caveat that we needed to check that they complied with NC law.  Andrew Foster at the Duke Community Law Clinic reviewed that draft, and he identified an issue with the size of the quorum, which has been corrected.  The current bylaws are at https://sites.google.com/view/durhaminc/bylaws?authuser=0.  The revised bylaws and a summary are in the folder (with a clean version and a lined version)  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UyupE2j3xbbvCef565DHG_DOjDWW9bGO?usp=sharing. There is not yet an application form.  Philip Azar moved the following resolution:


1.  That the Amended and Restated Bylaws be passed as presented on March 22, 2022;

2.  That conforming changes be made to the Articles of Association of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham and that those Amended and Restated Articles be presented to the board for adoption;

3. That Tom Miller be named as the registered agent of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham as expeditiously are reasonably possible;

4. That in as much as members must reapply for membership to the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham under the revised and restated bylaws, members shall do so within 60 days  of passage and that all neighborhoods participating in the vote on the amended and restated bylaws be eligible to vote on readmission of neighborhoods; and

5.  That the membership fee schedule under the amended and restated bylaws shall remain the same for 2022, that any member who has paid dues in 2022 shall not be required to pay again in 2022, and that any member who has paid dues in 2022 and who does not become a member under the amended and restated bylaws shall be refunded any 2022 dues payment.

Neighborhoods will look at the the bylaws and resolution for voting later.

Neighborhood Reports and Announcements

  *    Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – There is continued reaction to the very raucous student party in TLNA. Council Member Williams is taking an interest in addressing the issue.

  *   Colonial Village – There has been a lot of discussion of the loss of tree canopy in the neighborhood with the rapid gentrification.  Loss of canopy causes erosion and  stormwater runoff.  There isn’t much in the planning code that protects neighbors when the owner tears down the house.  If they are trying to build, you can get the number from the mapping tool and, in some cases, there will be a map of what the subdivision is.

  *   The Leesville Road Coalition is holding town halls for candidates.  The sessions are recorded and you can get them at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiCmr4Zhe4k

  *   Tom Miller has been talking to Planning about concerns about the small lot proposals as not being minor changes.  Pulling together data to see patterns and metrics, to get past the anecdotal evidence, would help craft improved rules.

  *   To get the planning notifications: https://www.durhamnc.gov/411/Planning-Public-Notification-Service


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